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P. 9
National Federation Transition Guidelines
Every first year of the Olympic quadrennial all National Federations (NFs) are required to conduct a
General Assembly (GA) meeting for the purpose of electing officers to a four-year term. The number of
consecutive terms a member can serve shall be provided in each NFs Articles of Incorporation or By-
A nominating committee should be formed at least three months prior to the elections. The purpose of
the nominating committee is to ensure a free and fair election and provide guidelines for the proper
conduct of the elections. All members of the NF interested in running for a position listed in their
Articles or By-Laws must submit their intentions before a deadline provided by the nominating
Notice of the General Assembly, for the purpose of holding elections, must be advertised on Print, Social
Media or posted on conspicuous venues with a copy or photo of such postings presented during the GA
along with a copy submitted to Guam National Olympic Committee (GNOC) and Guam National Athletes
Commission (GNAC). The notice for call of positions must be posted on three different occasions on
print and social media at least four weeks prior to the deadline of submittal. The notice of the General
Assembly meeting must be posted on three different occasions on print and social media at least four
weeks prior to the meeting.
Upon ratification of the elections, proper transition should take place if there are new officers elected.
In the case of a new President being elected, a copy of the minutes along with a cover letter from the
outgoing President must be addressed to GNOC and GNAC endorsing the elections, transition of officers
and signed by both the outgoing President and President-elect. If the current President is successful in
extending his/her term in office, the copy of the minutes along with the list of officers should be
submitted to GNOC and GNAC. Furthermore, the outgoing President should also endorse the new
administration to their respective International Federation (IF) through an official letter or email
It is imperative that the outgoing officers provide the proper endorsement of the newly elected officers
with information on ongoing and scheduled activities as well as files belonging to the organization
inclusive of minutes, financial reports and bank details.
Newly elected President and Secretary-Generals must be aware that they are required to attend the
Guam National Olympic Committee General Assembly and monthly meetings. In the case of their
absence, a representative should be endorsed by their Executives with a formal letter of endorsement
submitted to GNOC at least three days prior to the meeting.
GNOC National Federation Guidelines Vol. 2 – 08 June 2020