Page 15 - Our Hands Fall 2020
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Finding Forever Homes in a Pandemic
ovember is National Adoption Awareness Month. As we To ensure services were continuing for clients in need, our LAS
look back over the past several month, we are reminded contractual behavioral health therapist was able to move all of her
Nwhy adoption is so important, especially for foster children family and child therapy sessions from face to face to a telehealth
who are yearning for a forever home to call their own. virtual format.
Adoption is a life changing decision, for both parents and children.
But adopting during a pandemic brings with it new challenges.
6th Annual LAS Forever Home Run
Some parents in families with adoptive placements or temporary 6th Annual LA S F or e v er H ome R un
placement of unmatched children had to make tough decisions to Goes Virtual for 2020
quit their jobs to stay home with the children and readily did so
to ensure the kids were safe as they faced all the uncertainties and The coronavirus pandemic did not stop the LAS from
changes COVID brought. hosting its annual Forever Home Run on October 16
from 7:30 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. October 18. Instead of
Daycares and schools closed and parents of young children needed in-person festivities the 5K run, vendor displays,
to find a way to provide 24/7 care for the children in their own and family "Meet and Greet" was hosted virtually.
homes while balancing work responsibilities. Many of their natural
supports (grandparents, friends, other family members) were unable “This is such a great event to introduce the public to LAS
to interact to support the families in-person. and the need for adoptive parents. This year has been a
tough one for everybody, but even more so for kids who
LAS serves over 25% of the 296 unmatched children currently need a forever home,” said Rachel Sykes,
available for adoption statewide. Our adoption specialists serving this Executive Director, LAS. “With in-person 'Meet and Greet'
population had to put on hold "Meet and Greet" events and face to face events severely reduced because of the pandemic, we
introductions and visits with prospective adoptive families. A portion have a lot more children waiting for a permanent home.
of the unmatched youth are placed in temporary residential facilities Community partners and funding will help us get more
that were quickly closed to any physical outside contact. Youth in these kids in front of people who want to adopt a child.”
centers do not have identified parents or caregivers. The 6th annual Forever Home Run was sponsored by
Eastside Racing Company, First Dog Timing and Race
We assisted families to navigate ways to access technology and utilize Management and Hanson’s Running Shop. Additional
virtual platforms to connect to providers and keep the kids and support included assistance from Samaritas and
families connected to supports. Families without adequate Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, who have been
technology for virtual were connected to resources to get a laptop or hosting the event since 2015. In 2019 alone, the Forever
tablet and provided information on accessing free internet services. Home Run raised over $50,000.
LAS provided tablets to many families in need to ensure they were
able to connect. Funds from the race support intensive therapy
programs, adoptive parent support groups, and trauma
Unmatched adoption specialists connected virtually with our LAS training for adoptive parents. In the year of an
youth in residential settings to find ways to help these children unprecedented pandemic, the need for funds is
feel safe in the absence of identified caregivers or parents. Many greater than ever.
reported increased anxiety as COVID continued week after week
to upset their norms. LAS looked for items and activities we could For more information on adopting a child from foster
obtain from donors, or purchase ourselves, to provide some stress care, or to learn about volunteer or financial support
relief for these youth. opportunities for LAS, contact Rachel Sykes at