Page 149 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 149
Ⅳ. SKIS 교육 중점 과제
Singapore Korean International School
1. 글로컬 리더 양성 프로그램
1-1 International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
1. Extend students knowledge, skills, and understanding in a wide range of subjects.
2. Develop students personal attributes and help them grow as people.
3. Encourage international mindedness and develop global citizens.
Operation Policy
1. IPC is a thematic based, creative curriculum. Each unit is based on one theme.
2. Many different subjects are taught using the single theme of the unit.
3. Students work towards specific learning goals in each unit.
Detailed Plan
1. IPC Subjects & Example Units (Themes)
IPC Subjects
Science Geography History
ICT Math Language Arts
Music Art Society
International Studies Personal Physical Education
IPC Example Units
Grade Term 3 Term 4
1 Lets Celebrate Toys
2 Lets Go on Holiday Earth, Our Home
3 Chocolate Active Planet
4 How Humans Work Saving the World
5 Investigators Extreme Survivors
6 Mission to Mars Myths and Legends
2. Time: 7 periods of IPC per week during English and Korean lessons
1 IPC unit each half-semester (term)
4 IPC units per year
3. Target: All students, Grades 1-6
4. Place: Singapore Korean International School homeroom classes
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