Page 151 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 151

Ⅳ.  SKIS  교육  중점  과제
               Singapore  Korean  International  School

                1-2  IPC Exhibition Event


              1.  Show  the  learning  that  has  taken  place  in  an  IPC  unit  and  allow  students  to
                 take  pride  in  their  work  by  showing  it  to  their  parents  and  fellow  students.
              2.  Motivate  students  to  learn  future  IPC  themes  by  participating  in  fun,  hands-on
                 learning  activities.

              3.  Inspire  students  to  use  English  in  a  variety  of  ways  through  engaging  and
                 enjoyable  learning  activities  with  the  aim  of  improving  overall  English

                  Operation Policy

              1.  After  studying  the  different  aspects  of  the  IPC  topic  during  the  term,  students
                 will  consolidate  their  learning  by  taking  part  in  a  variety  of  engaging  and
                 interactive  lessons.  Activities  may  include  writing  tasks  and  reports,  art  and

                 craft  making  activities,  performance  based  tasks,  sporting  activities,  speaking
                 tasks,  experiments,  and  so  forth.
              2.  Each  grade  will  plan  an  interactive  exhibition  of  their  IPC  unit  topic  to
                 showcase  on  the  Friday.  Students  learning  throughout  the  unit  should  be
              3.  IPC  Exhibition  Day:

                    Each  class  will  split  in  two  groups.  One  group  will  remain  in  their  class  to  run
                 their  exhibition,  while  the  other  group  will  tour  around  the  school  to  see  other
                 classes’  exhibitions.  Classes  will  showcase  the  work  they  have  done  through  the
                 term  with  examples  and  explanations.  The  exhibitions  must  teach  the  visiting

                 students  about  the  topic  and  make  them  excited  to  learn  more  about  it  in  the

                 Detailed Promotion Plan
              1.  Date  and  Time:  October  12   to  16 ,  all  English  periods
              2.  Target  Groups  of  Students:  All  Elementary  students
              3.  Place:  Elementary  classrooms
              4.  Activity  Guideline:  A  variety  of  reading,  writing,  speaking,  listening,  performance,
                 arts  and  crafts,  and  sports  activities.

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