Page 81 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 81

Ⅱ. 유치원 교육과정 편성·운영

                  나) 영어부

                       English  Language  Learning  Areas  and      Curriculum  Objectives  for  K1

                                  Students      should  be  able  to:
                  Expressive  English  (Speaking)
                  Name  and  describe      pictures  on  the  flash  cards.
                  Engage  in  a  simple      conversation  with  teacher  and  students.
                  Attempt  to  form      sentences  using  two  to  three  words
                  Use  one  or  two  word      utterances  to  express  needs  and  wants.
                  Gain  confidence      speaking  in  front  of  class  during  "Show  and  Tell".
                  Use  simple  words  to      talk  about  drawings  and  artworks  they  have  created.
                  Show  understanding      of  questions  by  responding  with  gestures,  expressions  or
                  Use  non-verbal  cues      (i.e.  posture,  eye  contact)  when  communicating  with  others.
                  Receptive  English  (Listening)

                  Answer  polar      questions  relating  to  story  (i.e.  Yes/No).
                  Follow  at  least  two      consecutive  instructions.
                  Understand  and      follow  concrete  commands  with  visual  prompts.
                  Listen  with  increased  attention  to  information,  rhymes,  songs  and  conversations.
                  Show  steady  increase  in  listening  and  speaking  vocabulary  in  everyday  conversation.
                  Phonemic  Awareness
                  Identify  and      extract  beginning  phonemes  (first  sounds),  medial  phonemes  (middle
                  sounds),      and  final  phonemes  (middle  sounds).
                  Segment  words  with  three      sounds:  short  vowels  (e.g.  D-O-G),  long  vowels
                  (B-OA-T),    diphthongs    (H-OR-SE),   and    4   sounds    (C*CC/CC*C,     such   as:
                  Orally  blend  any  two,  three  and  four  sounds  to  make  word.
                  Put  the  sounds  in  order.
                  Recognize  four  diagraphs  (i.e.  sh,  ch,  th,  ng).
                  Recognize  common  sight  words  (i.e.  the,  a,  an,  has,  have,  am).
                            Level                  Set  Title                  Skills  Targeted
                          Beginner       Identify  first  sound  of  words   What  is  the  first  sound  in
                                                                                dog?  (D-o-g),
                       High  Beginner    Identify  last  sound  of  words  What  is  the  last  sound  of
                                                                                cat?  (c-a-T)
                      Low  Intermediate    Identify  first,  middle  and   What  is  the  middle  sound  in
                                           last  sounds  of  words  and         cat?  (c-A-t).
                                          orally  blend  and      segment
                                          those  sounds  to  form  new
                        Intermediate           Reading  Digraphs               Ch,  sh,  th,  ng
                       Low  Advanced            Learn  phonics           Letter/sounds  relationships
                                                                          for  the  26  letters  of  the
                         Advanced        Visual  Blending  (Reading)  of   CVC  words:  bat,  cat,  gate,
                                         Short  and  Long  vowels  CVC            kite,  boat.
                       High  Advanced    Visual  Blending  (Reading)  of   CCVC  words:  frog,  swan,
                                                   4  sounds                        twin.

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