Page 82 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 82
2020학년도 학교교육계획(유치원)
English Language Learning Areas and Curriculum Objectives for K1
Motor Skills Development
Grip a pencil correctly.
Color inside the lines and trace dot to dot pictures accurately.
Use symbols to represent ideas (i.e. draw circle for moon, triangle or rectangle for
Move from left to right when copying phrases.
Write their own name using (either upper or lower case letters).
Write most letters of the alphabet.
Copy individual words and phrases from a book/sheet of paper in front of them.
Become skillful in controlling and coordinating their body movements such as
cutting, threading, walking, bending, throwing and catching.
Use manipulatives such as blocks, pattern blocks and tangrams to make simple
figures from basic shapes.
Recognize shapes of different sizes in a picture.
Sort objects into two groups.
Spot differences, such as color, shape or size between objects.
Put objects in groups according to color, shape or size.
Compare two objects by length and use appropriate comparative vocabulary (i.e.
longer than/shorter than).
Reproduce a given repeated pattern using objects (i.e. pencil, eraser, pencil,
eraser, pencil, eraser) or pattern blocks (i.e. square, circle, square, circle, square,
Form numbers (1-10) in numerals.
Name and order the days of the week and months of the year.
Cognitive and Social Skills
Role play and use imagination to interpret characters.
Successfully complete puzzles and participate in memory games.
Concentrate on a task for more than five minutes.
Recognize and label emotions (e.g. joy, fear, sadness, anger)
Perform basic life skills (e.g. dressing, washing up, and putting things away after
use) independently.
Greet the teacher and students.
Show appropriate social and classroom behavior.
Share and take turns.
Listen to peers during "Show and Tell".
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