Page 86 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 86
2020학년도 학교교육계획(유치원)
English Language Learning Areas and Curriculum Objectives for N1, N2
Listening + Oral Communication (Responding) A/E M/E E/E
Demonstrates concentration during circle
time; constant eye contact and keeping quiet.
Demonstrates variable placement of adjectives
(e.g red book, book red)
Employs a small range of vocabulary to convey
shades of meaning e.g very, very big
Uses language acquired from new experiences
and sources (e.g excursions, performances)
Uses keywords related to text that recount
about immediate interests or needs (e.g family,
school, food)
Mimics others’ language without necessarily
understanding meaning
Pronounces common words from class texts
and activities comprehensibly
Reading A/E M/E E/E
Begins to show awareness of sound-symbol
relationships and left to right progression of
print in literary or factual describing texts
Identifies some letters, sounds, words in
familiar texts that recount or narrate
Talks simply and gives simple opinions about
familiar books and stories (e.g I like that)
From pictures, verbally identifies objects (e.g
tools, ingredients in a text that instructs)
Motor Skills A/E M/E E/E
Gross Motor
Demonstrates coordination in walking and
Gross Motor
Demonstrates agility on the balance
beam/isolated areas
Gross Motor
Hand-eye coordination: catching, throwing and
gauging distance.
Fine Motor
Uses pincer grip to manipulate fine objects
Fine Motor
Uses scissors in the appropriate manner
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