Page 83 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 83

Ⅱ. 유치원 교육과정 편성·운영

                      English  Language  Learning  Areas  and      Curriculum  Objectives  for  K2
                 Expressive  English  (Speaking)
                 Retell  stories  (i.e.      which  story  could  happen  in  real  life?  which  feeling  matches  the
                 picture?  What      will  happen  next?)
                 Tell  their  friends      about  events  they  have  experienced  (i.e.  what  did  you  do  on  the
                 weekend?  what      did  you  do  at  home/school?)
                 Respond      appropriately  to  ‘who’,  ‘what’  and  ‘where’  questions  about  a
                 Ask      questions  to  learn  more  about  their  friends.
                 Convey      simple  messages  to  their  teachers,  friends  or  family.
                 Speaks  in  full      sentences  or  at  least  use  up  to  four  words  in  a  sentence.
                 Understand  the  stories      and  discuss  them  confidentially  with  the  class.
                 Understand  the      vocabulary  introduced  in  weekly  themes.
                 Speak  up  for  more      than  one  minute  during  "Show  and  Tell".
                 Use  more  than  two  word      utterances  to  express  needs  and  wants.
                 Talk  about  drawings      and  artworks  they  have  created.
                 Use      appropriate  tone  and  volume  when  speaking  (i.e.  being  dramatic  when  telling  a
                 Show  understanding      of  questions  by  responding  with  gestures,  expressions  or
                 words  and  phrases.
                   Use  non-verbal  cues  (i.e.  posture,  eye      contact)  when  communicating  with  others.
                 Receptive  English      (Listening)
                 Answer  open-ended  questions      relating  to  story.
                 Follow  more  than      one  consecutive  instruction.
                 Understand  and      follow  concrete  commands  with  and  without  visual  prompts.
                 Listen  to  more      challenging  dialogues  and  conversations.
                 Take  part  in      conversations  related  to  everyday  life  scenarios.
                 Show      interest  in  books  (i.e.  point  and  look  at  pictures  in  the  book  closely,
                 comment  or  ask  questions  about  the  story)
                 Reading  Aloud  and  Reading  Comprehension
                 Process  sounds      sequentially.
                 Decode  words  with      two  or  more  syllables.
                 Recognize      words  from  their  favorite  books.
                 Create      word  families  by  manipulating  onsets  and  rimes  (e.g.  form  the  words  ‘bat’,
                   ‘hat’,  ‘rat’  with  the  rime  ‘at’)
                 Blend  out  the  words      using  faster  pace  and  expression.
                 Recognize      punctuations  in  a  sentence  (e.g.  full  stop,  commas  etc)
                 Able  to  recognize  and      pronounce  digraphs  (sh,  ch,  th,  ng).
                 Able  to  pronounce      common  endings  (_ing,  _ed  and  _es).
                 Read  at  least  30  high-frequency  words  —      also  called  "sight  words"  —  such  as  ",  ",and  ".
                 Understands  the      target  sound  each  week  and  be  able  to  read  words  containing
                 that  sound.

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