Page 21 - Layout 1
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Page 21:Layout 1  27/11/2015  18:26  Page 1

           There was also much discussion on Umpires wearing burgundy shirts with an ESMBA logo             21
           on instead of blazers.
                 The I.C.C was discussed, with much criticism of the new three team groups with more than
           one county saying it affected their revenue. The question was asked as to why the system had
           been implemented prior to feedback being received from County Associations. Peter Winter said
           the new format was not welcomed in West Sussex. Norfolk also made it plain they were against
           it. It was stated that the ESMBA Committee would shortly be discussing the I.C.C and the counties
           views were wanted.
           Several leading players again suggested that a competition for the more serious bowlers was set
           up on a regional basis as a sort of in between England Squad and I.C.C. Barry Hedges liked Craig
           Burgess’s idea of regional competitions. It was questioned where the dates could be found for
           this. Eventually the discussion got back to the I.C.C and it became obvious that most county del-
           egates wanted the format to return to groups of 4 or 5 teams. Other ideas that could be taken for-
           ward are 2 up 2 down roll ups for all group games, no roll-ups for knock-out games at neutral
           venues, a 10am start time or a mutually agreed start time between 10am and 11am with 10.30am
           start if teams failed to agree.
                 The discussion on the I.C.C then came to a halt so we will wait for what comes out of the
           ESMBA following their discussions. We then moved on to the item requested by East Sussex on
           the number of ends for I.C.C Triples & Fours games. Delegates favoured an increase in the number
           of ends for these two disciplines.
                 The next item was to discuss the wearing of black trousers. More than one delegates was of
           the opinion that as the matter had been voted upon at the five yearly RRM last season it could not
           be voted upon again until the next RRM. This was supported by Peter Winter of West Sussex who
           also said the Constitution must be adhered to. Some delegates loudly disagreed with this and a
           newly elected ESMBA Committee member, now sitting with the ESMBA Committee, also urged
           the Chairman to allow a vote on the issue and ignore the Constitution.
                 The Chairman though chose to make the correct decision that any rule change could only
           be voted upon at an RRM. It was pointed out though that under the current rules the ESMBA could
           allow a “local rule” to be used to allow teams with black trousers to compete in the National Club
           Championships. The Information Pack re-issue was then discussed with Keith Hawkins saying
           that it will be put in PDF form on the website to print off.
                 The final discussion was on the question of ESMBA Licences. The SMPT raised the matter
           asking why they were the only ones who were being charged for a licence and why TLH, among
           others, had not had to obtain licences. This was denied but the SMPT spokesman pointed out
           that in the Treasurers Report under Competition Licences only one sum of £75 appeared, the sum
           they had paid for a licence in 2014.
                 Simon Pridham of the SMPT also said that the licence
           should allow the SMPT to run as many events in a year as they
           want but the ESMBA were not giving their members the oppor-
           tunity of playing in certain events which clashed with a couple
           of I.C.C games, even if those players were not playing that
           weekend. This generated much discussion on this issue.
                 One view expressed to the Chair was that the licence was
           not fit for purpose. The Chairman said that they would discuss
           the situation regarding licences at Committee level. The meeting
           then finally came to an end and delegates hit the road to travel
           back to their home counties.
                 ED - This was one person’s view of the AGM and is appar-
           ently unlike the “sanitised” minutes issued by the ESMBA.  As I
           was not present and the ESMBA have sent me nothing I am un-                       FROM
           able to give an editorial comment.                                      Selwyn Goldsmith
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