Page 33 - Layout 1
P. 33
Page 33:Layout 1 16/07/2013 13:27 Page 1
CARRINGTON With just two 33
HOUSE ends to go a sin-
gle to Marion & Nor-
TOURNAMENT man Beeden levelled
This Bournemouth hotel the score at six all
once again staged a against Linda Heley &
Short Mat holiday tour- Ken Clark.
nament. The final end was
As usual the sin- played in mounting ten-
gles was the first event sion but in the end a two
to be concluded. After to Linda & Ken gave
the round-robin sections them an 8 - 6 victory.
had been completed the In the final Linda &
semi-finals saw Brenda Singles finalist Brenda Woodman Ken romped into an 8 -
Woodman facing Bill and winner Ken Clark 0 lead after four ends
Clark and Brenda man- but Olive & Clive Beau-
aged a great 9 - 3 win. mont held their nerve
In the other semi- and with just one end to
final John Young faced go the scores were
ken Clark, with both of equal at 9 - 9 and on
them having won this the final end Olive &
event before. Clive took the vital sin-
As a result this was gle that gave them a 10
a very close hard fought - 9 victory.
affair. After 8 ends the In the triples semi-
scores stood level at 5 all finals Joan Howard,
but two singles gave Ken Marion & Norman Bee-
Clark a 7 - 5 victory. den led 7 - 5 going into
Ken kept up his the last end but a three
form in the final and de- gave them a 10 - 5 win
spite Brenda Woodman’s over Buster Rowland,
effort she could not pre- Seated Pairs winners Clive & Olive Fred & Molly Douglas.
vent him winning by 12 Beaumont with finalist The other semi
shots to 3. Linda Heley & Ken Clark saw Pat Grant, Ken
In the Pairs Clark & Pam Horan
semi-finals two previ- take a 9 - 0 lead over
ous winners were Brenda Woodman,
drawn to play each John & Margaret
other and after going Young and despite
5 - 0 down to Keith & losing the last three
Gavin Wood, Olive & ends Pat, Ken &
Clive Beaumont went Pam won 9 - 5.
on an amazing seven The final turned
end unbeaten se- out to be a some-
quence to win 13 - 5 what one-sided as
with the last end un- Pat Grant, Ken Clark
played. & Pam Horan from 2
The other semi- - 2 won the next five
final proved to be a ends to take an
tight affair as the Seated Triples winners Pat Grant, Ken unassailable 15 - 2
match swung one- Clark & Pam Horan with finalists Marion lead over Joan
way then the other. & Norman Beeden and Joan Howard Howard, Marion &
Norman Beeden.