Page 1 - December PPIAC Newsletter FINAL w Links
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December 2020
Chairman’s Message
PPIAC is here for you, and I am here for you. We are an organization of
Chairman’s Message professional investigators, but we are also a group of generally like-
minded adults. We have common goals, like success in our business
President’s Message and our personal lives. Sometimes we have differing viewpoints, but
my time in PPIAC has shown me that our commonalities outnumber
our differences. 2020 was a very hard year and I will be glad to put it in
VP of Membership the past. For 2021, our board of directors will keep working toward
Update goals that serve you and all investigators in Colorado. I encourage you
to get more involved with our organization in the coming year. It takes
VP of Training Update a village, and that's what PPIAC is. Contact me personally for any
reason. Even if I can't help, I can listen to what you're going through
and just be there as an ear for you to bend. Thank you for your
Treasurer Update
continued association with PPIAC.
Sam Petitto
VP of Legislation Update
PPIAC Chairman of the Board