Page 126 - Gan's Family History
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Family Instruction to the Yan the values shared by the ancient
Family Chinese.
The following is taken from his
By Yan Zhitui (531-591) Family Instructions, which has
become a handbook for Chinese
Zigong asked: "Is there a single families for generations since his
motto that one can live by in all day.
one's life?"
Child Education
The Master said: "It is perhaps to be It is your bounden duty as parents to
considerate towards your fellow provide your children with good
men. Never do to others what you do education. Love does not mean just
not want to be done to yourself” to feed and clothe the children well
Confucius and to take care of their material
needs. To love also means to educate.
Yah Zhitui (531-591) was a noted And education should start even
scholar of the sixth century. His before the child is born.
family had a long record of When a woman is pregnant, she
government service and scholarly should read the right books or listen
achievement. Yan lived in a period of to good classics read to her, and be
turmoil in Chinese history known as in the right company. She should not
the Northern and Southern overexert herself or let anything
dynasties. For one hundred seventy frighten her. She should not seek for
years, China was divided into two sensory satisfaction through such
parts: north and south. During that stimuli as drugs or sexual
time, the ruling regime in the north indulgence. She should avoid
changed hands four times and in the quarrelling and not talk too much.
south, five times. Yan served fewer In short, she should see no evil,
than two governments, was twice hear no evil and say no evil words.
taken prisoner by opposing forces, Then she will have a bright and
and lived through five regimes in his healthy baby born to her. Otherwise
sixty years of life. she may cause afflictions on her
Based on his belief in family child. So a woman has a lot of
value, his attention to personal responsibility for educating the
growth and development, and his unborn.
moral convictions, Yan wrote Family If a child has not received proper
Instructions for his children, with education before his birth, education
lessons drawn from his chequered should start as soon as he is able to
experiences in life, his personal recognize people's faces and read
sufferings and the vicissitudes of his their expressions. Train him to listen
career. The book highlights many of to you and follow your instructions
37 Ectracted from the book “A Victor’s Reflection – Tales
of China’s Timeless Wisdom for Leaders” by Michael C.