Page 127 - Gan's Family History
P. 127

125 | P a g e

regarding what to do and what not to Family Relationship
do, when to play and when to rest. A There are three fundamental human
child brought up in this way needs relationships. First there is the
no physical punishment when he relationship between husband and
grows bigger. wife; next comes that between
Praise the child when he parents and children, and then that
deserves. Do not praise him when between brothers and sisters. All
you ought to talk to him seriously. Do other relationships are based on
not laugh it away when you ought to these three.
give him a dressing-down. Otherwise What is the ideal relationship
the child may misunderstand you or between a father and his child? It is
get confused. If his bad behaviour love mixed with respect and affection
becomes a habit, then it may be too coupled with dignity. A father loves
late to change him. Habit is second his child and at the same time, he
nature. By the time a bad habit is should command respect from him.
already formed, even physical He loves his child but maintains a
punishment may not avail. Your degree of dignity. Only love combined
punishment will only cause with dignity can inspire filial piety in
resentment in the child. Such a child the child.
is bound to have trouble when he Confucius said that a father
grows up. should keep a proper distance from
There are times when physical his own son. Without a proper
punishment is necessary in child distance, it may not be easy to foster
education. Those who say that they a relationship in which a father loves
cannot bear to punish the child the child and the child cherishes a
actually do him more harm than filial devotion to the father. Over-
good. Some parents argue that they intimacy may cause the child to
do not punish the child because they slight the father. Therefore the father
do not want the child to lose self- should preferably not share the same
respect. But let me ask you: "If a room with the child.
person is sick, would you withhold It is advisable that a father does
medicine from him because the pills not teach his own son. Certain
are bitter?" Parents who punish the things such as sex education are
child by no means take any pleasure better taught by others rather than
in doing so. It is only because they the parents.
have no option but to take such stem The teacher can demand the
measures under the circumstances. student to work hard. He is supposed
The worst thing is to punish the child to show anger if the student does not
after you have spoiled him. behave. But if a father gets angry
Education, by my definition, is with his child, the child may think
not of much use to a genius or an that though his father teaches him to
idiot. It is meant for the average behave, yet he himself does not
child. practice what he teaches. This may
lead to estrangement, and nothing is

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