Page 128 - Gan's Family History
P. 128
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worse than estrangement between Children normally follow their
father and son. That is why in parents' example. If a parent is nice
ancient times, fathers only taught to a child, the child is bound to love
other people's children, but not their the parent. If the elder brother is cold
own. I hope you appreciate this to the younger one, the younger one
subtle point in child education. will not respect him. If husband is
unfaithful; he cannot expect his wife
Brothers and sisters love each to listen to him. But what if the child
other. When you grow up, you eat at is unruly when the parent is nice to
the same table with your brothers him, or if the younger brother is
and sisters; you study and play recalcitrant when the other one
together, or even share clothes with treats him well, or if the husband is
each other. It is only natural you are faithful and loving but the wife is a
attached to each other. It is also shrew? Such people are inherently
natural that you expect a lot from bad, and only punishment can deter
your brothers and sisters. If they them.
disappoint you, you get upset easily Moral influence has its limit.
but make up quickly, too. Sibling There is a point where moral
relationship is a special one, different persuasion ends and punishment
from ordinary relationships. If there begins. Without appropriate
is a crack in your relationship with punishment, a bad child will go from
your siblings, you must fix it up bad to worse. Running a household
without delay. Never allow it to grow is not unlike running a country.
big. Without legal justice, you cannot run
Oddly enough, I find some the country. Without a reward for
people are very nice to their friends, good behaviour and an appropriate
but do not seem to cherish the punishment for bad behavior, you
relationship with their siblings. They cannot manage a family. Too much
treat outsiders well but are hard on leniency is as bad as harshness. The
their own folks. Some are even able best is a balance between the two.
to command the loyalty of tens of
thousands of people, but cannot be Marriage and Companionship
kind to his own siblings. In marriage, if there is a big
It seems difficult for a lot of difference in the background
parents to love all their children between the husband and the wife,
equally. But Parents must bear in they may have different sets of
mind that Partiality has bad values. This difference may pose a
consequences. A bright and well- potential snag in their relationship. A
behaved child deserves love and person from a rich family may be
approval, but a dumb and stubborn haughty to a person of modest origin.
child deserves love and sympathy, The person who comes from a poor
too. Partiality toward a child can family may have inferiority complex.
make him too conceited to get along If they allow their in-laws to get
well with his brothers and sisters. involved in their relationship, things