Page 129 - Gan's Family History
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will become more complicated. That "Don't make friends who are not
is why I usually do not advise people equal to yourself." So, associate with
of very different backgrounds to get those from whom you can learn
married. something. As long as someone is
better than you in some respect,
I was born in a time of turbulence. I make him your friend.
travelled everywhere in the country Some people tend to believe what
and met a lot of people. Whenever 1 they read in the books, but overlook
met a virtuous man, I was always what they see in real life. They think
attracted by his personality. I wanted great men only existed in the past
to learn something from him. When and do not accept that there are great
you are young, you are malleable. If men in our time. Some may believe
you are in the company of a man of there are great men in foreign
virtue, you will imitate him before countries and are eager to meet
you know it, even though you may them. But they do not recognize great
not be conscious of what you are men among their friends and fellow
doing. He is bound to have some students and may even make fun of
influence on you. them. Familiarity seems to have
To associate with people of noble blinded these people. Actually they
character is like going into a room do not have to look far away or look
full of fragrant orchids. If you stay in back into the past for greatness. The
the room long enough, you will fact is there are great men here and
acquire the pleasant smell yourself. now.
On the contrary, to expose yourself to In Confucius's time, people in his
bad company is like going to a fish own country, Lu, did not give him
market, you will get the stink if you recognition. Confucius had to leave
hang in there long enough. his own country. The king of Yu, in
Watching a dyer of silk at work, the Spring and Autumn Period in
the famous philosopher Mo Zi (468- history, lost his country because he
376 B.C.) made the following did not take seriously the far-sighted
comment: advice of his friend who was very
"What is dyed in blue becomes close to him.
blue. What is dyed in yellow becomes Study
yellow. After being dyed a few times, Study serves two purposes. One is to
the original colour of the silk is cultivate one's mind and broaden
beyond recognition. This is true not one's horizon. The other is to enable
only with silk, but also with an one to make contributions to the
individual or a country. An individual society. Unfortunately nowadays
can be influenced by what kind of most people regard the cultivation of
people he associates with. A country their character as a means to secure
can be changed by the kind of lucrative positions. Whatever service
influences it is placed under.' they offer to the society is lip service.
Therefore, you must choose your Study has its practical value as
friends carefully. Confucius said: well as idealistic. In addition to