Page 7 - Gan's Family History
P. 7

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Subsequent Revisions part of Shantung and Hopeh
Provinces. Offsprings born of this
The 2 revision was carried out by a line were attributed to be the
10th generation grandson named grandsons of the Duke of Eastern Lu
Yan San Hsi during the 8th year prefecture. His future descendants
reign of Emperor Chun Hsi, Sung were called upon to become pioneers
dynasty. crossing the vast plain in Central
China in search of open space in the
The 3 revision was accredited to a south for new settlements to be
14th generation grandson who called established and agricultural industry
himself ancestor Sheng and set up. They were to lay the
presented on the 15th year in the foundation in Szu Pin which served
reign of Emperor Hung Wu, Ming as the gateway to the new frontier
dynasty. where virgin lands were opened up
and cleared, making way for the
The 4 revision was conducted by a building of hamlets, villages, cities
16th generation grandson Yan Chun and development of farm lands in Fu
Kao in the reign of Emperor Cheng Chien and Kuang Tung.
Hua, Ming dynasty. He commented
that by this time, the branches and Of the early seventeen generations,
cliques of the Yan clan from the the racial origin of the Yan clan can
Eastern Lu Ancestral Hall were very be traced from its frontier tribal
long and numerous like cotton. source to its assimilation into the
Chinese society. From the 18th
The 5 revision was the work generation onwards, the Yan family
commissioned to a writer Wang I of clan expanded by leaps and bounds
Tsang Wu, Yin Tung and completed with numerous sons born within the
on the 11th year reign of Emperor clan. No sooner was one generation-
Cheng Te, Ming dynasty. line completed another one had to be
drawn up in order to number the
The 6 revision was the joint generation-lines in accordance with
composition of Yan Tien Yuan, 23rd their various seniority rows and
generation grandsons, presented on ranks.
the third year of the reign of Emperor
Yung Cheng, Third Emperor of the The 7 revision was jointly drawn up
Ching dynasty. They enumerated by three grandsons representing the
that the Yan clan owed its origin to a 28th, 29th and 30th generations
member of the frontier tribe in Yan namely, Yan Yun Chang, Yan Pang
kingdom, one of the nine ancient Tso and Yan Wei Pang on the 16th
political divisions, which occupied year (1891) of the reign of Emperor

6 In historiography, historical revisionism is the revisionism is sometimes used in a negative way,
reinterpretation of orthodox views on evidence, constant revision of history is part of the normal
motivations, and decision-making processes scholarly process of writing history.
surrounding a historical event. Though the word

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