Page 8 - Gan's Family History
P. 8

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Kuang Hsu (1875 - 1908), also Yan Ho, a 30th generation grandson
known as Emperor Teh Tsung of the undertook further revision of the
Ching dynasty. preface in the clan record in the 16th
year (1927) of the Republic of China.
The 8 revision was the contribution He recapped that the first ancestor of
of Yan Yan Shih, a 29th generation the Yan clan in Szu Pin, Fu Chien
grandson, drawn up in the 16th year Province was ancestor Yan Chiao
(1927) of the Republic of China. Hsien, a direct descendant and great
grandson of Duke Lu..
Joint revision of the preface in the
tribal clan record by Yan Ming Shih He came from Yu, an abbreviated
in the 16th year (1927) of the name for Honan Province, a region
Republic of China and by Yan Chen, known as Yan kingdom; one of the
a supplement scholar recommended nine political divisions formed in
by local government and a resident of ancient times and now occupies
Hou Pang, Yung Chun County and a parts of Shantung and Hopeh
31st generation grandson in the 17th province. He entered into Min
year (1928) of the Republic of China. territory, now known as Fu Chien
He reaffirmed that his ancestors was and chose Szu Pin to be developed as
Chiao Hsien who began his family, a new settlement and centre for
first in Szu Pin. agriculture, industry and trade. He
took to become his wife the daughter
His 13th generation grandson, of a high official surnamed Cheng
ancestor Yan Yu His, set up a who bore him seven sons.
separate branch in Hsi Shan, Hou
Hung. He became the founder of a
house named Kuei Shan as an 7
assembly place for the clan to live Second Reconciliations
together. Second Reconciliation of the preface
in the Yan clan's record by Yan Yan
Beyond the 19th generation, Liang, Yan Yu Kuei and Yan Yu
ancestor Yan Ta Yuan set out to form Mei, 24th generation grandsons,
another branch in Hou Pang, Chin were undertaken on the third year in
Feng, Yung Chun County. The the reign of Emperor Yung Cheng
house was also named Hou Hung. during the Ching dynasty. They
commended ancestor Yan Chiao
Hsien as the founding father of the

7 vb (usually foll by to ) 3. to settle (a quarrel or difference)

1. to make (oneself or another) no longer opposed; 4. to make (two apparently conflicting things)
cause to acquiesce in something unpleasant: she compatible or consistent with each other
reconciled herself to poverty 5. to reconsecrate (a desecrated church, etc)
2. to become friendly with (someone) after
estrangement or to re-establish friendly relations
between (two or more people)

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