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2023-2024 Officers and Board of Governors
the State Bar of Texas, the National Association of
Officers 2023-24 Railroad Trial Counsel (secretary and Executive
Committee member), the Maritime Law Association
Shayna L. Sonnier of the United States (proctor), among others.
President He is AV-rated by Martindale-Hubbell and has been
Shayna L. Sonnier is an attorney in the Lake Charles recognized in several editions of Best Lawyers in
firm of Veron Bice, LLC. She received a bachelor’s America, including as the 2016 New Orleans Lawyer
degree in 2000 from the University of Louisiana- of the Year in railroad law. He also has been recognized
Lafayette and her law degree in 2003 from Dedman in several editions of Louisiana Super Lawyers and in
School of Law, Southern Methodist University. She Shayna L. Sonnier New Orleans City Business’ “Leadership in Law.”
was admitted to practice in Texas in 2003 and in In his community, Talley serves on the boards of the
Louisiana in 2005. Louisiana Southeast Council Boy Scouts of America
Sonnier served as 2022-23 president-elect and 2018- and Holy Name of Jesus School. He also was a member
20 treasurer for the Louisiana State Bar Association of the Louisiana Recovery Authority (Environmental
(LSBA). She also served as the Fourth District Task Force member), the New Orleans Charter
representative on the LSBA’s Board of Governors. Schools Foundation (vice president), Pi Kappa Alpha
She served as chair, immediate past chair, chair-elect, Fraternity (international president), the Carrollton
secretary and District 4 representative on the LSBA’s Boosters, Inc. (president), the Louisiana Children’s
Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Council. She also co- Museum, St. George Episcopal School (trustee) and
chaired the YLD’s Wills for Heroes Committee. Patrick A. Talley, Jr. the Academy of the Sacred Heart (president).
She currently serves on the boards for the Louisiana He is married to Sharon Parker Talley, and they have
Bar Foundation and the Louisiana Center for Law and three children, a daughter-in-law and one grandson.
Civic Education. Ste. 2000, 365 Canal St.,
Sonnier has served as secretary, treasurer, president- One Canal Place, New Orleans, LA 70130-6534
elect, president and past president of the Southwest (504)584-9220 • fax (504)568-9130
Louisiana Bar Association (SWLBA) and is a past email:
president of the SWLBA’s Young Lawyers Section. website:
In her community, she is a member of St. Luke
Simpson United Methodist Church, where she serves Valerie T. Schexnayder
as secretary on the Church Council. Secretary
Valerie T.
721 Kirby St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 Schexnayder Valerie T. Schexnayder is a mediator and
(337)310-1600 • fax (337)310-1601 arbitrator with Schexnayder Mediation Services,
email: LLC, in Baton Rouge and volunteers for various pro
website: bono events and initiatives. She has practiced for
more than 30 years with a large firm, a small firm
Patrick A. Talley, Jr. and an international corporation. She also served as a
President-Elect Louisiana State Bar Association (LSBA) Distinguished
Patrick A. Talley, Jr. is a partner in the New Orleans Access to Justice Pro Bono Fellow, partnering with the
office of Phelps Dunbar, LLP. He received a BA degree Baton Rouge Bar Association to expand its pro bono
in 1976 from Armstrong College (Georgia Southern outreach to veterans and their families. She received a
University), his JD degree in 1982 from Louisiana BBA degree in 1986 from Loyola University and her
State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center and an JD degree, cum laude, in 1989 from Tulane University
LLM in energy and environmental law in 1993 from Law School. She was admitted to practice in Louisiana
Tulane University Law School. He was admitted to in 1989.
practice in Louisiana in 1980. He also is admitted in Schexnayder served on the LSBA’s Board of Governors
Texas. (Fifth Board District) from 2017-20. She served in the
Talley served as secretary of the Louisiana State Bar LSBA’s House of Delegates, representing the 19th
Association (LSBA) from 2019-21 and was a member Judicial District from 2011-17 and the 24th Judicial
of the LSBA’s Board of Governors from 2014-17 (First District from 1999-2005. She is a member of the Bar
Board District). Prior to this service, he was a member Governance Committee and served on the Continuing
of the LSBA’s House of Delegates (since 1994) and Legal Education Committee from 1999-2002. She
was re-elected to the House in 2017. He serves on the is a member of the Louisiana Bar Journal’s Editorial
Louisiana Bar Journal’s Editorial Board. Board and will serve as Journal editor-in-chief for her
He is a member of the Louisiana Bar Foundation. two-year term as secretary. She served on the Access
He also is a member of the New Orleans, American, to Justice Commission from 2018-20. She served as
Federal, 5th Circuit and Baton Rouge bar associations, the Young Lawyers Division’s Second Board District