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Joseph has served in the Louisiana State Bar 2021 “40 Under 40” Class. She is a member of Alpha
Association’s House of Delegates. Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
He serves on the boards of the Louisiana State In her community, she serves as a board member
Licensing Board for Contractors and the Biomedical for Volunteers for Youth Justice and enjoys serving
Research Foundation. He is the secretary/treasurer as a judge for the Volunteers for Youth Justice’s Teen
of The Committee of One Hundred and serves as a Court Program. Every year, she organizes a service
member of the Air Force Global Strike Command Civic project or fundraiser for her birthday to give back to her
Leaders Program. community.
He is a recipient of the Dr. Jesse N. Stone Pioneer Award. 501 Texas St., 5th Flr., Shreveport, LA 71101
He is a founding member of Washington & Lee’s Senae D. Hall (318)226-6832 • fax (318)841-5533
chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is a former email:
president of the Shreveport Bar Association and the
North Louisiana Jewish Federation. He is a former vice Blake R. David
chair of the Metropolitan Planning Commission, a former At-Large Member
chair of the Strategic Action Council and a former chair Blake R. David is a founding partner of the Lafayette
of the North Louisiana Holocaust Remembrance Service. firm of Broussard & David, LLC. He received a BA
In his community, Joseph is a local jazz/blues drummer. degree in 1997 from Louisiana State University and his
He and his wife Barbara have been married for 20 years JD degree in 2001 from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center.
and are the parents of two children. He was admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2001. Prior to
Ste. 700, 333 Texas St., Shreveport, LA 71101 litigating, he worked as a registered lobbyist with Haynie
(318)221-6858 • fax (318)227-2967 Blake R. David & Associates in Baton Rouge.
email: David represented the Third District on the Louisiana
State Bar Association’s (LSBA) Board of Governors
Senae D. Hall from 2014-17 and served on the LSBA’s Nominating
Chair, Young Lawyers Division Committee. He was the recipient of the LSBA Young
Senae D. Hall is an assistant district attorney in the Caddo Lawyers Division’s Outstanding Young Lawyer Award in
Parish District Attorney’s Office in Shreveport. She is 2009.
the Human Trafficking Victims Diversion coordinator. He is board-certified by the National Board of Trial
She also works with the STAR Court Program in Caddo Advocacy in civil trial advocacy. He also is an advocate
Parish Juvenile Court to combat human trafficking issues. in the American Board of Trial Advocates. Annually, he
She received a BA degree in mass communications in teaches trial advocacy at the LSU Law Center. In 2017,
2008 from Dillard University and her JD degree in 2011 he was appointed to the Louisiana Board of Regents by
from Southern University Law Center. She was admitted Gov. John Bel Edwards and currently serves as past chair
to practice in Louisiana in 2011. of the board and a member of the Executive Committee.
Hall has served as the 2022-23 chair-elect, the 2021- David is president of the Louisiana Association for
22 secretary and as an at-large representative on the Justice (Executive Committee member, past chair
Louisiana State Bar Association’s (LSBA) Young of the Maritime Section). He is a former president
Lawyers Division (YLD) Council. She was a member and Foundation board member for the Lafayette Bar
of the 2018-19 Leadership LSBA Class and served on Association, a former president of the American Inn of
the LSBA YLD Awards Committee for two years. She Court of Acadiana and a member of the International
also volunteered as a mock trial competition judge from Society of Barristers. He also is a founding board
2017-20. member and former president of the Lafayette-Acadiana
She is a member of the Shreveport Bar Association Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. He is AV-rated by
(SBA), the Louisiana District Attorneys Association Martindale-Hubbell. From 2012-22, he was recognized
and the Harry V. Booth/Judge Henry A. Politz American by Louisiana Super Lawyers and is included in the list
Inn of Court. She is currently the Law Week and Service of Louisiana Super Lawyers Top 50 Lawyers in Louisiana
chair for the SBA’s Young Lawyers Section. She served (2019-22).
as the Social Media chair from 2021-23 for the SBA’s In his community, he is involved with the Lafayette
Young Lawyers Section and the treasurer for the SBA’s Economic Development Authority, Catholic Charities of
Women’s Section in 2022. Acadiana, ABC Art Fund and the Acadiana Tigers.
Hall was recognized as the Teen Court Volunteer of David and his wife Amber are the parents of three
the Year in 2018 and the Abounding Faith Temple Youth children.
Leader Volunteer of the Year in 2017. She was featured as 557 Jefferson St., Lafayette, LA 70501
the February 2019 Member Spotlight by the Shreveport P.O. Box 3524, Lafayette, LA 70502
Bar Association Women’s Division and was a 2019 (337)233-2323 • fax (337)233-2353
panelist for Macy’s Black History Month Historical email:
Black Colleges and Universities Program. She was website:
recognized as a 2021, 2022 and 2023 “Top Attorney”
by SB Magazine and was selected for the 2020-21
Dillard University’s “40 Under 40” list. She also was
selected for the Shreveport Chamber of Commerce’s