Page 31 - BOGManual_2023Orientation
P. 31
Be knowledgeable about the LSBA, its mission, strategic plan, programs, policies,
operations, finances, challenges and opportunities.
Read the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
Adhere to the duties of Obedience, Loyalty and Care:
Obedience – forbids acts outside the scope of corporate powers. The Board
must comply with state and federal law, and conform to the LSBA’s Articles
of Incorporation and Bylaws.
Loyalty – dictates that officers and directors must act in good faith and must
not allow their personal interests to prevail over the interests of the
Care – requires directors and officers to be diligent and prudent in managing
the organization’s affairs. The individuals charged with governing must
handle the organizational duties with such care as an ordinary prudent person
would use under similar circumstances.
In accordance with established policies, employ, establish salary for, and evaluate chief
staff executive.
Work within the Association’s mission, ensure that a strategic plan is in place and ensure
implementation of the plan.
Adopt programs to carry out the Association's mission and strategic plan.
Ensure availability of appropriate resources to carry out policies and programs.
Adhere to LSBA’s confidentiality and conflict of interest policies.
Adopt and monitor budget, and generally fulfill fiduciary responsibilities.
Establish personal goals and objectives for term on Board.
Participate responsibly in Board of Governors, House of Delegates and committee
meetings. Know the basic operation of Roberts Rules of Order.
Contribute to meetings by expressing one’s point of view with the best interest of the
association in mind.