Page 26 - BOGManual_2023Orientation
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Kelly M. Rabalais                                               W. Michael Street
           Fifth Board District                                            Seventh Board District
            Kelly M. Rabalais is assistant vice president of                 W. Michael Street is a partner in the Monroe firm
           strategic planning and implementation for St. Tammany           of Watson, McMillin & Street, LLP, and a member of
           Health System. She received a BA degree in political            Marathon Title Co., LLC. He received a BA degree in
           science in 1996 from Louisiana State University and             philosophy and a BA degree in political science, cum
           her JD degree in 1999 from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law               laude, in 1991 from Centenary  College  and his JD
           Center.                                                         degree in 1996 from Louisiana State University Paul
            Rabalais was elected to the Louisiana State Bar                M. Hebert Law Center. He was admitted to practice in
           Association’s  Nominating  Committee  in  2018,  2019   Kelly M. Rabalais  Louisiana in 1996.
           and 2020 and is a member of the Committee on the                  Street served in the Louisiana State Bar Association’s
           Profession and the Louisiana Bar Journal Editorial              (LSBA) House of Delegates  from 2014-21 and is a
           Board.                                                          current member of the Mandatory Continuing Legal
            She is a member of the Federal Bar Association New             Education  Committee.  He served on the  LSBA’s
           Orleans Chapter’s board of directors and Government             Young Lawyers Division Council from 2002-06,
           Relations Committee. She is serving a 2018-21 term on           chairing the State Mock Trial Committee from 2004-
           the Lawyer Disciplinary Committee of the U.S. District          06. He received the Bat P. Sullivan, Jr. Chair’s Award
           Court, Eastern District of Louisiana. She served as 2017        in 2006.
           and 2018 Women in Law chair and 2019 Community                    A current Fellow of the Louisiana Bar Foundation
           Outreach chair for the 22nd JDC Bar Association. She            (LBF), he served as LBF president in 2018-19; vice
           received the 2016 BGR (Bureau of Governmental   Charles D. Elliott  president,  2017-18;  treasurer,  2016-17;  secretary,
           Research) Excellence in Government Merit Award.                 2015-16; board member, 2013-15; and chair of the
            In her community, she is a member of the Safe Haven            Northeast Louisiana  Community  Partnership Panel,
           Foundation.                                                     2010-13.
            She and her husband, J. Michael Rabalais, Jr., have              Street served as 2019-21 president of the Lagniappe
           been married for 24 years and are the parents of two            Law Lab and is a current  member of its board of
           children.                                                       directors. He is secretary/treasurer of the Judge Fred
             1202 South Tyler St., Covington, LA 70433                     Fudickar, Jr. American Inn of Court. He is a former
             (985)871-5837                                                 president  of  both  the  Fourth  Judicial  District  Bar
             email:                                    Association and its  Young Lawyers Section. He
                                                           W. Michael Street  received  the  Outstanding  Young Lawyer  Award in
           Charles D. Elliott                                              2000. He also is a member of the  American Bar
           Sixth Board District                                            Association and the Bar  Association of the Fifth
            Charles  D. Elliott  is a solo practitioner  at  Charles       Federal Circuit.
           Elliott & Associates, LLC, in Alexandria. He received             In his community, he was a board member  of the
           a BS degree in science/math education in 1986 from              Northeast  Louisiana  Arts Council  from 2004-10.
           Louisiana Tech University, an MS degree in computer             He also was pioneer  district  chair  and  Troop 231
           science in 1989 from Louisiana State University and             committee  chair for the Boy Scouts of  America
           his JD degree in 1993 from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law               Louisiana Purchase Council.
           Center (graduating Order of the Coif and a member                 Street and his wife Jennifer have been married for 30
           of the Louisiana Law Review). He was admitted to                years and are the parents of three children.
           practice in Louisiana in 1993.                 Curtis R. Joseph, Jr.  1881 Hudson Circle, Monroe, LA 71201
            Elliott  is a former member of the Louisiana State                (318)322-9700 • fax (318)324-0809
           Bar Association’s (LSBA) House of Delegates, a prior               email:
           member of the Board of Governors and a member of                   website:
           the Legal Malpractice Insurance Committee and the
           Medical/Legal Interprofessional Committee.                      Curtis R. Joseph, Jr.
            He is a member of the Alexandria Bar Association,              Eighth Board District
           the  Alexandria  Crossroads Inn of Court and the                  Curtis R. Joseph, Jr. is a partner in the Shreveport
           Louisiana Association  for Justice. He was president            firm of Blanchard, Walker, O’Quin & Roberts, APLC.
           of the Central Louisiana Pro Bono Project for several           He handles defense and plaintiff-oriented litigation. He
           years.                                                          attended Washington & Lee University in Lexington,
            In his community, he has served on the  Salvation              Va., earning his BA degree in mass communications in
           Army’s board and is the  current  president  of the             1993 and his JD degree in 1996.
           Pineville Rotary Club. His wife Kathleen is a nurse.              While at Washington & Lee, he performed clinical
           He is the father of one child.                                  work, focusing on post-conviction  relief,  for the
             720 Murray St., Alexandria, LA 71301                          inmates  of  the  Federal  Women’s Prison Camp  in
             (318)704-6511 • fax (318)704-6523                             Alderson,  W.Va. He taught  language  arts,  social
             email:                                  studies and religion at Bishop Perry Middle School in
             website:                                    New Orleans.
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