Page 25 - BOGManual_2023Orientation
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Melanie Walters Chatagnier                                        Johnson and  his  wife,  Ashley  Leonards  Johnson,
           Third Board District                                            principal of T.H. Watkins Elementary School in Lake
            Melanie Walters Chatagnier is the sole attorney and            Charles, are the parents of three children.
           owner of Chatagnier Law Office in Thibodaux. She                   1419 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 70601
           handles domestic matters, adoptions and property                   (337)433-1414 • fax (337)433-3234
           partitions  in Lafourche Parish. She received  a BS                email:
           degree in psychology in 1999 from Northeast Louisiana              website:
           University (University of Louisiana-Monroe) and her
           JD  and BCL degrees in 2004 from Louisiana State                Carrie LeBlanc Jones
           University Paul M. Hebert Law Center. She was   Melanie Walters   Fifth Board District
           admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2005.        Chatagnier      Carrie LeBlanc Jones is the chief legal officer and
            Chatagnier is a member of the Louisiana State Bar              general  counsel for the  Louisiana  State  Board of
           Association’s Family  Law  Section  and is a  newly             Nursing (LSBN), where she focuses on administrative
           elected member of the LSBA Nominating Committee                 and regulatory law. She has successfully represented
           (District 2C).                                                  the  LSBN in  state  and  federal  court,  served  as
            She is a  member  of the  Lafourche  Parish Bar                prosecuting attorney in disciplinary matters, and
           Association and a Lafourche district court-approved             advised board members and staff on a variety of legal
           ad  hoc  counsel  for contested  custody and  adoption          issues. Prior to joining the LSBN, she was a partner
           suits.                                                          at  the  law  firm  of  Shows,  Cali  &  Walsh,  LLP.  She
            In her  community, she has  been  a  member  of the            received  a BA degree in mass communication  from
           St. Joseph Catholic  Elementary  School  PTC board   Adam P. Johnson  Louisiana State University, her JD/BCL degree from
           since 2022. She is a sponsor of the Thibodaux Soccer            LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center and a MBA degree
           Association  and involved  with  other  Thibodaux               from Southeastern Louisiana  University. She was
           recreation activities.                                          admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2008.
            She and her husband Jason have been married for 13               Jones has served as immediate  past chair, chair,
           years and are the parents of three children.                    chair-elect, secretary and District 5 representative on
             302 W. 4th St., Thibodaux, LA 70301                           the Louisiana State Bar Association’s (LSBA) Young
             (985)492-7268                                                 Lawyers Division (YLD) Council. She helped plan the
             email:                                    inaugural Louisiana Young Lawyers Conference, co-
             website:                                chaired the Richard N. Ware High School Mock Trial
                                                                           Competition, served as the Professional Development
           Adam P. Johnson                                 Carrie LeBlanc   Seminar  coordinator,  chaired  the  Bridging  the  Gap
           Fourth Board District                               Jones       Committee and served on the Awards Committee. She
            Adam P. Johnson is a partner in The Johnson Firm               received  the LSBA YLD Chair’s Award in 2016 in
           in Lake Charles. He received a BS degree in business            recognition of her ongoing commitment and service
           management in 2006 from Louisiana State University              to the Richard N.  Ware High School Mock  Trial
           and his JD degree in 2009 from Southern University              Competition. She served as a member of the Louisiana
           Law Center. He was admitted to practice in Louisiana            Bar Journal Editorial Board and was a member of the
           in 2009.                                                        2013-14 Leadership LSBA Class. She also volunteered
            After clerking for Judge Robert  Wyatt and Judge               as a mentor in the LSBA’s  Transition into Practice
           Ronald  Ware, Johnson joined  his father  Terry and             Mentoring Program.
           brother Jonathan in the practice of law. He and his               Her commitment to the legal profession includes two
           brother now own The Johnson Firm in Lake Charles.               terms on the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board.
           The firm’s attorneys focus on family, criminal defense          After the Louisiana Supreme Court appointed her to a
           and personal injury law.                                        second term, she served as the board’s chair in 2017,
            Johnson  served in the Louisiana State Bar                     the youngest board member to hold this position. She
           Association’s (LSBA) House of Delegates. He was a               serves on the Louisiana Bar Foundation’s Capital Area
           member of the 2013-14 Leadership LSBA Class and                 Community Partnership Panel.
           co-chaired the 2014-15 Leadership LSBA Class. He                  In her community, she is a parishioner of St. George
           served as the LSBA Young Lawyers Division (YLD)                 Catholic  Church.  She also  serves on  the  board  of
           District 4 representative from 2015-19. He also assists         directors  for Livingston  Parish  SADD. She  and  her
           with writing and grading the Criminal Law Section of            husband, Aaron Jones, have been married for 12 years
           the Louisiana Bar Exam.                                         and have two children.
            He is the current president of the Southwest Louisiana            17373 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810
           Bar Association (SWLBA) and a former president of                  (225)755-7575
           the SWLBA Young Lawyers Division.                                  email:
            In his community, he is a member of Trinity Baptist
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