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representative from  1996-98. She received  the  1999           Stephen I. Dwyer
           LSBA  Young  Lawyers  Division’s  Michaelle  Pitard             Immediate Past President
           Wynne Professionalism Award.                                      Stephen  I. (Steve)  Dwyer is a founding  member
            She is a member of the Baton Rouge Bar Association,            and managing partner of Dwyer, Cambre & Suffern,
           currently serving as chair of the Pro Bono Committee.           APLC, in Metairie. He received a BA degree in 1970
           In her community, she serves on the board of directors          from Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass.; an MA
           for the Capital  Area Finance  Authority’s board of             degree, with distinction, in 1972 from the University of
           trustees and Tiger Athletic Foundation. Additionally,           New Orleans; and his JD degree, magna cum laude, in
           she serves as chair of the Emerge Foundation board              1976 from Loyola University College of Law (editor-
           of directors and as a sustaining adviser for the Junior   Lawrence J. (Larry)   in-chief, Loyola Law Review).
           League of Baton Rouge, where she previously served   Centola III  Dwyer served as 2022-23 president and 2021-22
           on the board of directors.                                      president-elect of the Louisiana State Bar Association
            Schexnayder  and her husband  Todd have been                   (LSBA) and as the Second District representative on
           married for 35 years and are the parents of two sons.           the  LSBA’s Board  of Governors from  2011-14 and
             Ste. G, 17732 Highland Road                                   2017-20. He served  on the  Louisiana  Bar  Journal’s
             Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                         Editorial Board. He is a member of the Committee on
             (504)813-3633                                                 the Profession, the Bar Governance Committee  and
             email:                                     the Audit Committee. He served as an adjunct faculty
                                                                           member for Loyola University College of Law and as
           Lawrence J. (Larry) Centola III                 Stephen I. Dwyer  a lecturer for various CLE programs.
           Treasurer                                                         He has been  recognized  by New Orleans City
            Lawrence J. (Larry) Centola III is a principal member          Business “Leadership in Law,” “Who’s Who Among
           of  the  New  Orleans  firm  of  Martzell,  Bickford  &         American  Lawyers,”  Best  Lawyers  in America  and
           Centola. He received a BA degree in political science           Louisiana Super Lawyers. He is a member of Alpha
           in 1998 from Louisiana State University and his JD              Sigma Nu Honor Society.
           degree in 2001 from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center.                Dwyer chaired the award-winning St.  Tammany
           He was admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2001.               Recreation  District #14 (Coquille Parks and
            Centola has served as the First District representative        Recreation)  and  led  the  financing  and  development
           on the  Louisiana  State  Bar  Association’s (LSBA)             of the 150-acre sports, recreation and park complex
           Board of Governors. He also serves on the  Client               in western St. Tammany Parish. He chairs the Miracle
           Assistance Fund Committee. He served as the LSBA                League Northshore for special needs children, serves
           Young Lawyers Division chair in 2012-13.                        as president of the Jefferson Performing Arts Society, is
            He serves on the board of directors of the Federal Bar         a long-time member of the Loyola University College
           Association New Orleans Chapter as the membership               of Law Visiting Committee, and serves on the Holy
           chair and on the Board of Governors for the Louisiana           Cross College President’s Council and on the boards
           Association for Justice. He served as the torts bar             of directors of the Holy Cross Lawyers’ Association
           examiner for the Louisiana Bar exam.                            and the  Holy Cross  Alumni  Association.  He has
            In a ceremony at the United States Supreme Court,              served as president of the Loyola Law School Alumni
           he was presented with the 2008 Sandra Day O’Connor              Association and on the Loyola Alumni Association’s
           Award for Professional Service from the American Inns           Board of Directors.
           of Court. The national award is presented to an attorney          He is married to Jennifer Van Vrancken, an attorney
           who has been practicing for fewer than 10 years.                and Jefferson Parish Councilwoman, and is the father
            He and his wife Amy are the parents of three girls.            of five children. He has six grandchildren.
             338 Lafayette St., New Orleans, LA 70130                         Ste. 200, 3000 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, LA 70002
             (504)581-9065 • fax (504)581-7635                                (504)838-9090 • fax (504)838-9187
             email:                                       email:
             website:                                          website:
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