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André Doguet Sandra K. Cosby
Louisiana State Law Institute Member, House of Delegates Liaison Committee
André Doguet has been the commissioner for the Sandra K. Cosby is an associate with Frederick A.
15th Judicial District Court in Lafayette since 2020. Miller & Associates in Metairie. She received a BA
He received his BA degree in 1983 from Louisiana degree in 1974 from Lincoln Memorial University and
State University and his JD degree in 1986 from LSU her JD degree, magna cum laude, in 1990 from Loyola
Paul M. Hebert Law Center (top 25 of graduating class University Law School. She was admitted to practice
and member of the Law Review). He was admitted to in Louisiana in 1990.
practice in Louisiana in 1986. Cosby serves in the Louisiana State Bar Association’s
Doguet has been a member of the Louisiana State André Doguet (LSBA) House of Delegates and is a former chair and
Law Institute since 2012 and of the Law Institute’s current member of the Committee on the Profession.
Marriage and Persons Committee since 2017. He is She has previously served on (and chaired) the House
a member of the Acadia Parish Bar Association, the Liaison Committee. She is co-chair of the Loyola Law
Lafayette Bar Association (president in 2010-11) and a School Professionalism Orientation and a member of
former member of the Lafayette Bar Foundation board the Louisiana Bar Foundation.
of directors. She was case note and quantum editor of the Loyola
He and his wife, Nora Montgomery Stelly, have been Law Review from 1989-90 and was a Loyola Moot
married for 28 years. Court semi-finalist. She is a former president and
Ste. 507, 800 S. Buchanan St. member of the local advisory board of directors for
Lafayette, LA 70501 Keenan K. Kelly the American Lung Association of Louisiana.
(337)269-5736 • fax (337)269-5754 3850 N. Causeway Blvd.
email: 1700 Lakeway II, Metairie, LA 70002
(504)452-7719 • fax (855)847-1379
Keenan K. Kelly email:
Chair, House of Delegates Liaison Committee
Keenan K. Kelly has practiced in the Natchitoches Shannon Seiler Dartez
firm of Kelly & Townsend, LLC, for 27 years. Member, House of Delegates Liaison Committee
His primary practice areas are personal injury and Shannon Seiler Dartez is an attorney with the Glenn
criminal defense. He is licensed to practice law in Armentor Law Corporation in Lafayette. She received
both Louisiana and Texas and is admitted to practice a BA degree in 1990 from Louisiana State University
in the U.S. District Courts for the Western, Middle and Sandra K. Cosby and her JD degree in 1994 from LSU Paul M. Hebert
Eastern Districts of Louisiana and the U.S. 5th Circuit Law Center. She was admitted to practice in Louisiana
Court of Appeals. in 1994.
Kelly attended Fort Lewis College from 1984-86 Dartez served on the Louisiana State Bar
(where he played football) but returned to Northwestern Association’s (LSBA) Board of Governors as the
State University to complete his undergraduate degree Third Board District representative from 2017-20. She
in 1990. He earned his JD degree in 1993 from Loyola serves as a member of the LSBA House of Delegates
University College of Law. While attending law and is a member of the LSBA’s Insurance Committee,
school, he clerked for the New Orleans law firm of previously chairing the Group Insurance Committee.
Martzell & Bickford. She is the recipient of the 2002 LSBA Young Lawyers
He is a current member of the Louisiana State Bar Shannon Seiler Division’s Outstanding Young Lawyer Award.
Association’s (LSBA) Nominating Committee and is Dartez She chairs the Louisiana Bar Foundation’s Acadiana
beginning his term as chair of the LSBA’s House of Community Partnership Panel, serves on the Lafayette
Delegates Liaison Committee, previously serving as Bar Association’s board and is a member of the
a committee member. He has served in the House of Louisiana Association for Justice.
Delegates, representing the 10th Judicial District, since In her community, she is a member of the Leadership
2002. He chaired the LSBA’s Legislation Committee Institute of Acadiana and a graduate of Leadership
from 2015-20. Lafayette. She is a former president of the Junior
Kelly has served as the vice president of the League of Lafayette and the Healing House Hope for
Natchitoches Parish Bar Association since 1996. He Grieving Children.
is married to Jennifer Anderson Kelly and has two She and her husband Mike are the parents of two
children. children.
137 St. Denis St., P.O. Box 756 300 Stewart St., Lafayette, LA 70501
Natchitoches, LA 71458-0756 (337)233-1471 • fax (337)233-5655
(318)352-2353 email:
fax (318)352-8918 or (318)352-0036 website: