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The Diversity and Inclusion Managers Summit is an opportunity to discuss how Diversity and
Inclusion managers can cultivate a culture where all talented contributors—regardless of race,
gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or natural origin—can have and can see a
path to long-term success.
Disabilities Series
The Diversity Committee hosts a series of disability related CLE seminars.
A webinar titled Emerging Issues in Disability Rights was held on March 2, 2021, and featured the
following speaker(s):
Debra J. Weinberg, Disability Rights Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
Jonathan C. Trunnell, Disability Rights Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
Women’s Personal and Professional Development Workshop Series
A seminar titled Becoming Your Best Self: Take Command, Be Empowered, and Own Your Future
was held in conjunction with Midyear meeting on January 20, 2022. The seminar featured the
following speaker(s):
Christine C. Bruneau, Cotton Schmidt LLP, New Orleans, LA
District Attorney Bridget A. Dinvaut, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Reserve, LA
Deidre D. Robert, Department of Transportation and Development, Baton Rouge, LA (Moderator)
Dawn R. Marullo, Courington, Kiefer, Sommers, Marullo and Matherne, LLC, New Orleans, LA
Black History Programming
The LSBA's Diversity Committee’s Pipeline to Diversity and Outreach Subcommittee hosts CLE
seminar(s) in celebration of Black History Month. The seminar(s) are co-hosted by Adams and
Reese LLP.
A webinar titled Fair Voting Practices: Ensuring Proportional Representation was held on
February 24, 2022. The webinar featured the following speaker(s):
Honorable Janice Clark (Ret.), Baton Rouge, LA
U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Gathe, Jr., Middle District of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA
Kellen J. Mathews, Adams and Reese, Partner, Baton Rouge, LA (Moderator)
Charles A. Person, Freedom Rider, Atlanta, GA
Chancellor John K. Pierre, Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, LA