Page 172 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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provided to the Board and staff may concern personnel, financial, contractual,
membership or legal matters. It will often be confidential and is intended for
use in decision making and governance. Information shall be held in the strictest
of confidence and shall not be divulged to any outside party, including other
members, without authorization of the President or Executive Director.
2. Conflicts of Interest
Board members and staff members owe a high fiduciary duty to the
organization. Thus, no Board or staff member shall maintain any business
enterprise or other activity that directly conflicts with the interests of the
Association. Staff members shall not solicit members for any reason that is not
directly related to official business.
3. Violations
Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action in
accordance with the governing documents. Discipline may include removal of
a Board member from office or termination of a staff member.
C. Contract Signing Authority
It is the policy of the LSBA to grant authority to sign contracts to the Executive
Director, the President or the Treasurer, as long as the financial implications of the
contract are included in the Association’s budget and the terms of the contract are
consistent with the Association’s mission and policies.
If the contract’s financial implications are not included in the budget, Board approval
shall be required before authority to sign the contract is granted.
D. Credit Cards
It is the policy of the LSBA to not issue credit cards on behalf of its elected leaders
and/or staff. However, the LSBA will pay annual credit card fees for staff members,
with amount of fees and staff members to whom this benefit will be offered left to the
discretion of the Executive Director.
E. Email/Internet Usage
All “Users” (employees, independent contractors or other individuals associated with
the LSBA) are responsible for using the LSBA email system and Internet access in
accordance with this policy. “Internet” is defined as any online system accessible from
LSBA owned workstations or laptop computers.
The email system is the property of the Louisiana State Bar Association, provided for
use in conducting LSBA business. Likewise, use of the Internet through LSBA owned
equipment is for conducting LSBA business. All communications and information
transmitted by, received from or stored in this system are LSBA records and the
property of the LSBA. Documents on the computer network may not be password
protected. The Executive Director or Information Technology Director will be advised
of all employee logon passwords.