Page 173 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 173
Users have no right of personal privacy in any matter accessed, stored, created, received
or sent by use of the LSBA email system or Internet browser made available to them.
As owner of this system, LSBA reserves the right, which it may exercise at the sole
discretion of the LSBA Executive Director without the permission of any User, to
monitor, access, retrieve and delete any matter stored in, created, received or sent over
the email system. The LSBA has no obligation to so monitor, access, retrieve or delete.
Similarly, use of the Internet can and may be monitored by the LSBA. Use of security
measures by Users does not in any way (1) diminish the LSBA’s right to access
materials on its system or (b) create any privacy rights of Users in the messages and
files on the system.
The LSBA policies against discrimination apply fully to the email system and use of
the Internet, and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline up to and
including termination. No email messages shall be created, sent, received or, if
inadvertently received, forwarded, and no Internet sites shall be accessed or viewed, if
they contain materials inappropriate under those policies such as offensive materials
concerning sex, race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, age or disability.
Likewise, no email messages shall be created, sent, received or, if inadvertently
received, forwarded, and no Internet sites shall be accessed or viewed if it is obscene,
derogatory, threatening, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate. This prohibition
includes but is not limited to pornographic or sexually graphic material, as well as
sexually connotative or profane jokes or stories. Additionally, the Internet and email
system shall not be used for any form of gambling.
No User is to load software onto an LSBA owned computer without permission of the
Executive Director or Information Technology Director. No hardware of software is to
be purchased without the permission of the Executive Director or Information
Technology Director. No software is to be downloaded from the Internet except as
Any User who discovers misuse of the email system or Internet should notify the
appropriate department head or Executive Director. Any department head who
becomes aware of misuse is required to report such misuse to the Executive Director.
F. Employee Annual Leave
It is the policy of the LSBA to allow employees to carry forward no more than one
year’s worth of accumulation of vacation time into the next year. Unused vacation time
in excess of this amount shall be lost.
The maximum amount of annual leave paid to a terminating employee shall be the amount
of leave carried forward into the subsequent year, plus the amount of accrued but unused
leave earned during the year of termination.