Page 234 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 234

▪  Public Librarian Legal Education Training around the State
                                       ▪  Brochures, websites, materials, documents, meetings
                                o  Pro Bono initiatives ($3000)
                                       ▪  2023 PB Summit in conjunction LJCC
                                       ▪  National PB Week
                                o  SRL ($2000)
                                       ▪  Assistance with Form Automation Efforts
                                       ▪  Attendance at various Judicial Conferences
                                o  Ongoing Training for Civil Legal Aid Attorneys ($1,000)
                                       ▪  Continuation of Justice Friday Events begun in 2021(includes disaster
                                           training events also)
                                       ▪  Train the Trainer Seminars for Community Partners developed under
                                           Justice For All Initiatives

                  (56)   Training Programs ($10,400)
                         o ABA/NLADA Equal Justice Conference for 3 attendees includes registration, flight,
                         hotel, meals for, ATJ Director, and 3 Projects Counsels ($6000) [Calculations: flight:
                         $500; registration: $450; hotel: $800 for 4 nights; food: $50/day for 5 days]
                         o Technology Conference for SRL Projects Counsel ($1,200)
                         o NLADA Annual Conference for 1 Projects Counsel ($1,200)

                  (57)   Travel – ($5,500) In-state travel for 6 staff members in connection with committees (ATJ
                         Commission, (6 committees), ATJ Committee (3 subcommittees), Disabilities, Children’s
                         Law and Criminal Justice, 6 task forces). Travel to annual meeting for ATJ Director and
                         one staff attorney.

                  (58)   General office supplies based on prior usage.

                  (59)   Expenses based on prior year’s usage.

                  (60)   Includes meetings for 5 ATJ-staffed LSBA based on prior year usage. Also includes
                         projected costs of long-distance phone service and Verizon cellular/hot spot services.

                  (61)   Louisiana Justice Community Conference – Projected expenses for 20th annual two-day
                         conference to be held in November 2023 for 125-150 public interest attorneys.  ($27,500)

                  (62)   Projected expenses for annual in-person Criminal Justice Summit for April 2024 ($4,000)

                         Projected expenses as follows:
                              Materials, parking, signage - $1,300
                              Food - $1,500
                              Facilitator fee - $4,000
                              Facilitator expenses - $1,200
                              Venue - $3,000
                              TOTAL - $11,000
                         11/09/2023 Amendment
                         New Line Item for Access to Justice Conclave

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