Page 239 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 239

Investment Management Fees: Waters Parkerson
                                Core ($11MM combined – rate 0.45%)                               50,000
                                Operating ($1.5MM – rate 0.375%)                                   5,625
                         Legal Fees
                                 Personnel – 29 hours @ $250/hr                                      7,375

                  (120)  Projected costs of long-distance phone service for 1 director and 5 support staff persons
                         and cellular phone service for 1 director.

                  (121)  Projected cost of supplies for department, member photo ids, and revenue from member
                         photo ids. Based on FY21/22 actual expenses, and projected FY 22/23 expenses.

                  (122)  Travel, training, and professional fees.

                  (123)  Salaries & benefits for 1 director and 5 support staff persons.

                  GENERAL OPERATIONS
                  (124)  Projected expenses related to Bar Center management, operations, utilities, cleaning, and
                         ongoing minor maintenance expenses, based on prior years’ actual expenses.

                  (125)  Projected cost of premiums for property and flood insurance for the Louisiana Bar Center
                         based on estimates and prior years’ expenses:
                                    Commercial Property Insurance                 $67,414
                                    Equipment Insurance (CNA)                     $  1,000
                                    Flood Insurance (Wright National)             $  3,000
                                    Total                                         $71,414

                  (126)  Projected cost of supplies purchased for the Bar Center.

                  (127)  Estimated cost of Bar Center repairs and/or renovations.
                         08/25/23 Amendment
                         Increased based on required maintenance to the building.
                                -Exterior Waterproofing                                   $131,100.00
                                -Waterline booster pump-Balance Due                $   1,192.00
                                Total                                                          $132,292.00

                         11/09/2023 Amendment
                         Exterior waterproofing increased from $131,100.00 to $180,115.00 due to additional
                         repairs required.
                         * Above expenses will come from capital reserve at end of FY

                  (128)  Estimated cost of purchasing new or replacing existing furniture and equipment.

                  (129)  Estimated cost of leasing and maintaining main copier, two smaller copiers, postage
                         equipment and inserting equipment.

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