Page 378 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 378
authorize any form of retaliation against an individual who has made a good faith report of suspected
misconduct under this policy.
False Accusations
Because of the seriousness with which the LSBA views harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in
violation of this policy, and because of the severity of the penalties that may be imposed on offenders,
false accusations will not be tolerated. However, this statement is not intended to discourage any
individual from coming forward with any good faith complaints of conduct that he/she believes may be
in violation of this policy.
The LSBA recognizes and expects that some claims may be difficult to prove or support, or may not in
fact be found to rise to the level of seriousness deemed necessary to constitute sexual harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation in violation of this policy. However, anyone found to have purposefully
or intentionally brought allegations that he or she knows to be untrue will be deemed to have made
false accusations and will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination,
or in the case of a non-employee, discontinuation of the individual’s business or professional
relationship with the LSBA.
Violations and Sanctions
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including unpaid
suspension and/or termination. Depending on the specific circumstances of an incident, an individual
in violation of this policy may also be subject to criminal sanctions under the law. Additionally,
violations of this policy by volunteers, contractors, vendors, Members or visitors must be reported to
management, so the appropriate corrective action can be taken.
The LSBA is committed to nondiscrimination and employment of “qualified individuals” in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments
Act of 2008 (“ADAAA”) and state and local laws. The ADAAA prohibits discrimination against a
“qualified individual” with a disability in the terms and conditions of his or her employment. A
“qualified individual” is one who can perform the essential functions of his or her job with or without a
reasonable accommodation.
Accommodation Requests
It is the responsibility of the Employee to request an accommodation. Employees should make
requests for a reasonable accommodation directly to the LSBA Executive Director.
A reasonable accommodation is designed to assist an Employee in the performance of the essential
functions of his/her job without placing an undue hardship on the LSBA or posing a direct threat to the
safety of the Employee or others. To assist in providing a reasonable accommodation, the LSBA may
require written documentation from the Employee’s Health Care Provider with knowledge of his/her
health status.