Page 401 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 401

Where job or business needs demand immediate access to an Employee, the LSBA may issue a
             business cell phone, smart phone and/or a personal handheld device to an Employee for work-related
             communications.  Employees in possession of LSBA equipment are expected to protect the equipment
             from loss, damage or theft.  Upon resignation or termination of employment, or at any time upon
             request, the Employee will be asked to produce the equipment for return.

             2.21   SOCIAL NETWORKING

             Employees who use social networking websites should be aware that content created or circulated by
             the employee may be published elsewhere through a third party.  Employees must be smart about what
             content they publish online.  Published content may ultimately be viewed by LSBA Members,
             including, but not limited to, attorneys and judges.  Employees must exercise appropriate discretion
             when using social networks for personal communications (friends, colleagues, attorneys, judges, etc.)
             with the knowledge that adult behavior on social networks may be viewed by Members of the legal
             profession as well as the public.

             This policy applies to all forms of web-based external, commercial, non-educational online publishing,
             messaging and discussion websites, including such media as blogs, wikis, file-sharing, user-generated
             video and audio, virtual worlds and social  networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
   , etc.  Social networks do not include websites or software provided internally by the

             Employees who become aware of any violations of this policy are expected to immediately inform
             their supervisor.  Violations of this policy will result in discipline, up to and including termination of
             employment with the LSBA.

             Communicating on Behalf of the Company

             The LSBA fully respects the legal rights of its Employees, and in general, what Employees do on their
             own time is their business.  However, activities inside or outside of work that affect an Employee’s job
             performance, the performance of others, or the LSBA’s business interests are a proper focus for the
             LSBA.  As a condition of at-will employment, the LSBA requires that Employees observe the rules
             included in this section of the Handbook, which are intended to protect Employees as well as the

             Employees are personally responsible for what they publish on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, or any other
             form of user-generated media. What Employees post will be public for an indefinite period of time.
             Therefore, Employees should guard  their privacy and that of family and friends, and should think
             carefully before sending something into cyberspace that will be impossible to erase.

             When the LSBA wishes to communicate publicly - whether to its members or to the general public - it
             has well-established means to do so.  Only those who are specifically designated by the LSBA have the
             authorization to speak on behalf of the LSBA in any medium.

             Other Communications

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