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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 ghter pilots                                                                      May 2016
                                                                                                                       Vol. 16, No. 18

INSIDE                                          61st FS delivers ‘the goods’

 STORIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan
 F-35 at pivot point, 3
 T-bolt wins AF award, 4                           An F-35 Lightning II from the 61st Fighter Squadron deploys a GBU-12 500-pound laser-guided bomb for the first time in
 Green Dot, 5                                      the squadron’s history April 25 at the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Gila Bend, Arizona. Three F-35s successfully delivered
 Pharmacy changes, 6                               six inert GBU-12s during the practice sortie, making the 61st FS the second squadron at Luke Air Force Base to drop
 Children who left                                 bombs from the F-35.

      Turkey, 7                                 Goldfein to be the 21st chief of sta of AF

 INDEX                                                                         WASHINGTON — De-                        ments Oversight Council and Deputy Advisory Working Group.
                                                                               fense Secretary Ash Carter                 “I am pleased to support the nomination of General David Gold-
 Action line ............................. 2                                   announced April 26 that
 Briefs..................................... 3                                 the president has nomi-                 fein as our next chief of staff,” said Air Force Secretary Deborah
 Spotlight ................................ 4                                  nated Air Force Vice Chief              Lee James. “General Goldfein possesses the experience and vision
 Diversions ........................... 21                                     of Staff Gen. David Gold-               needed to address dynamic global challenges and increasing mili-
 Sports.................................. 27                                   fein to be the 21st chief of            tary demand. He knows how to build and sustain key partnerships,
                                                                               staff of the Air Force, suc-            has important war ghting experience, and will exercise the critical
First                                                                          ceeding Gen. Mark Welsh                 judgement required to balance our manpower and resources as we
                                                                               III, who has served in the              shape tomorrow’s Air Force. There is not a better person to lead
MEdo nittiholny                                                                position since 2012.                    our Airmen into the next century of airpower dominance.”
                                                                               “I’m extremely humbled
Launches                                                                       by the nomination to serve                 Prior to his current position, Goldfein was the director of the
                                                                               as the Air Force’s 21st                 Joint Staff at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., where he as-
TODAY                                                                          chief of staff. If con rmed,            sisted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in ful lling his
                                                                               I pledge to serve our Air-              responsibilities as the principal military adviser to the president
    Continue to get Luke’s latest                                              men and their families                  and secretary of defense.
     news and information from                  Gen. David Goldfein            unwaveringly and honor
  these sources:                                                                                         “Dave Goldfein is an Airman who epitomizes warrior leadership,
                                                Air Force Vice Chief of Staff  our remarkable heritage                 and that’s exactly what our Air Force deserves,” Welsh said. “He,                                                                                         connects deeply with Airmen, he supports their families relent-                                                and legacy of integrity,                lessly, and he absolutely recognizes the criticality of our service’s
                                                service and excellence,” Goldfein said. “I also look forward to join-  mission. Most importantly, he and Dawn understand the remark-
             and social media                   ing my fellow service chiefs as a member of the Joint Chiefs of        able privilege they’ve been afforded in serving the nation.”
                                                Staff. General Mark and Betty Welsh continue to be exceptional
      Date of publication                       stewards of our service, and Dawn and I are honored to follow in          Goldfein is a command pilot with more than 4,200 ying hours
                                                their footsteps.”                                                      in the T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, F-16C/D Fighting Falcon, F-117A
      First Friday                              Goldfein entered the Air Force in June 1983 as a graduate of           Nighthawk, MQ-9 Reaper, and MC-12W. He has own combat mis-
                                                the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has been assigned to numerous           sions in operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Allied Force, and
           of the month                         operational, command and staff positions. He currently serves          Enduring Freedom. Goldfein has received numerous awards for
    Submission deadline                         as the vice chief of staff, where he presides over the Air Staff       his military service including the Defense Distinguished Service
                                                and serves as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Require-           Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf
15th day of the month                                                                                                  clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor device and
                                                                                                                       oak leaf cluster.
prior to date of publication
 June submissions are due                               Go to
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         May 15
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