Page 24 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 24

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                       FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MARCH 2023

        NEW HIRES                            new contractor employees to serve     borrowers, sellers, attorneys, lenders,
                                             as the Capital Region Inclusion       and for-sale-by-owner clients to
                          Origami            Team: Sein Paul Benavides, Oscar      educate them on how closings and
                          Rehabilitation     Castaneda, and Dr. Janet Atkinson.    title insurance work.
                          is pleased to      This team is funded through the
                          welcome Jane       American Rescue Plan Act and the      After a record year in 2022, Smalley
                          Terwilliger to its   generosity of LEAP and Ingham and   Investments is adding to its team
                          team as a clinical   Clinton Counties. Benavides does    in 2023 by bringing on Kendra
                          social worker.     outreach to Hispanic businesses.      Osowski as managing partner of
                          Terwilliger        Castaneda provides Spanish            the retirement plan division. After 17
                          obtained her       interpretation for consulting         years at John Hancock Retirement
                          master's degree    sessions, and Dr. Atkinson offers     Solutions, most recently as regional
                          in social work     confidential business consulting to   vice president, Osowski brings
        with specializations in family therapy,   underrepresented businesses.     expertise in the competitive and
        school social work, and children and                                       highly technical space of managing
        adolescents from the University                        Colliers recently   qualified retirement plans.
        of Michigan. She has experience                        welcomed Burm
        working with individuals and                           Kim to work         AWARDS
        families.                                              as an advisor
                          Todd Hinrichs                        in investment
                          has joined                           property
                          BAKER                                sales. Based in
                          Drivetrain as                        Lansing, he will
                          director of sales.   Kim             assist the team
                          BAKER Drivetrain                     and provide
                          is ecstatic to     a full spectrum of investment
                          have Hinrichs      property advisory services to private
                          join the BAKER     and institutional investors. The
                          Gearhead crew.     addition further positions the global
                          He has been        brokerage firm as a dominant player
        in the powersports industry for      in the local market.
        over 12 years, most recently in a
        strategic account management role    Martin Waymire, a Michigan-           Sparrow Ionia Hospital recently
        with Tucker Powersports. Prior to    based, full-service public relations   honored two caregivers and the
        that, Hinrichs held sales leadership   and digital marketing firm with a   hospital's highly skilled surgical
        positions with Kuryakyn.             focus on public policy, announced     team for their dedication and
                                             the rehiring of a former team         compassionate care for patients and
                          Origami            member, David Solce, as senior        caregivers. Emergency Department
                          Rehabilitation     communications strategist. With       Nurse Lois Wilber, RN, was named
                          is pleased to      nearly a decade of marketing and      DAISY Award honoree based
                          welcome Rachel     public relations experience, Solce    on a patient nomination for her
                          Burdette-Comer     brings deep expertise in social       compassion and cheerful personality
                          to their team as   media and digital marketing           during the patient's recent stay.
                          a clinical social   strategy. From 2018 to 2021, he      Wilber has worked at Sparrow Ionia
                          worker. Burdette-  supported Martin Waymire clients      since 1981.
                          Comer obtained     in their digital marketing needs,
                          her bachelor's     driving campaign objectives and       Scott Westenberg, automotive
                          degree in social   public relations efforts.             technology instructor, and Lindy
        work and her master's degree in                                            Daman, college and career
        clinical social work from Spring     Liberty Title, a title insurance and   preparation and assessment
        Arbor University. She has experience   closing company with 12 locations   coordinator, were recognized at
        working with individuals, couples,   across Southeast Michigan and one     the Michigan Career Education
        and groups.                          in Florida, is pleased to announce    Conference by the Michigan
                                             the addition of another account       Association for Career and Technical
        The Small Business Development       executive to its team. Amanda         Education (MI ACTE). Westenberg
        Center at Lansing Community          Dakroub joined Liberty Title in       received the 2023 MI ACTE
        College is thrilled to welcome three   January and works directly with     Lifetime Achievement Award, and

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