Page 27 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
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                                                                                   the entire health system. Joining
                                                                                   the E.W. Sparrow Hospital Board are:
                                                                                   Deborah Allen, judicial assistant/
                                                                                   event planner for Michigan Court of
                                                                                   Appeals Judge Douglas Shapiro, and
                                                                                   David Thomas, associate partner,
                                                                                   Podium Risk Management. A trio
                                                                                   of leaders has become members
                                                                                   of the Sparrow Women's Board of
                                                                                   Managers: Julia Cawood, a former
                                             Herbruck          Talbot
                                                                                   teacher, author, businesswoman,
                                             the Sparrow Ionia Board are Amy       and Sparrow volunteer; Marianne
        have earned accreditation in         Herbruck, public and community        Cox, retired manager; Grand Ledge
        mammography, stereotactic breast     relations manager, Herbruck's         Ford Lincoln, and Lou Ann Smith,
        biopsy, breast ultrasound (including   Poultry Ranch, and Brian Talbot,    case call clerk, Michigan Court of
        ultrasound-guided breast biopsy),    senior vice president, mortgage sales   Appeals, and Sparrow volunteer.
        and breast MRI.                      supervisor, Mercantile Bank.
                                                                                   MSU Federal Credit Union
        BOARD OF DIRECTORS &                 Noted business, higher education,     (MSUFCU) is pleased to announce
        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  and medical leaders have been         its four 2023 charity partners, chosen
        UPDATES                              appointed to the Boards of Directors   by employees through the MSUFCU
                                             of various boards that govern         CU Involved program. Employees
        Sparrow Ionia Hospital has named     Sparrow Health System and its         will support New Day Foundation for
        two local business leaders to its    subsidiaries. Sandra Pearson, former   Families, Allen Neighborhood Center,
        Board of Directors, which governs    president and chief executive officer   The Davies Project, The Women's
        the hospital and works closely       of Habitat for Humanity of Michigan,   Resource Center (WRC) – Traverse
        with senior leadership. Joining      has joined the board that governs     City, and the Credit Union's ongoing

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