Page 30 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                       FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  MARCH 2023

        comprehensive rehabilitation for     Capital Area Michigan Works!          Academic performance and financial
        children, adolescents, and adults    partnered with Safe & Just            need are not considered in the
        with neurological, developmental,    Michigan and a number of local        selection process. Michigan high
        mental health, and orthopedic        organizations for an Expungement      school students can enter regardless
        conditions through their residential   Job Fair to support job seekers     of whether they are members of
        and outpatient programs.             looking to pursue new employment      LAFCU. Additional information
                                             opportunities, and improve their      is available at
                                             chances of landing those jobs by      writetoeducate.
                                             expunging eligible convictions from
                                             their criminal records. The event was   Re’Shane and Steve Lonzo are
                                             held Monday, Feb. 6, at CAMW!'s       currently working on opening a new
                                             Lansing American Job Center.          Lansing cigar lounge concept called
                                                                                   The Comfort Zone Cigar Lounge &
                                             LAFCU is now accepting submissions    Bistro. Once open, it will be the first
        Amy Blaising Wallace, DO, PLLC,      for its 2023 Write to Educate Essay   African American owned lounge
        with Healthy Values Direct Primary   Contest. The contest awards four      within a 100-mile radius that has a
        Care, has moved into a new office    high school seniors a total of $20,000   combination of cigar, lottery, liquor
        space at 1675 Watertower Place,      and donates $2,000 to local charities   and restaurant licenses. The Lonzos
        Suite 700, East Lansing. Health      on their behalf. Each winner will     worked with Julie O’Brien at Colliers
        Values DPC is a direct primary care   receive a $5,000 scholarship to an   Lansing to help find the building
        office. In DPC, eliminating the need   accredited Michigan college or      for their new venture. After nearly
        to cater to insurance companies      university and will designate another   a year of searching for the perfect
        and large medical group employers    $500 from LAFCU to a local charity.   property to meet their needs, they
        allows your physician to focus on    Entries must be submitted online by   settled on the 4,230-square-foot
        what is best for your health.        March 31, 2023. A one-page essay will   former Leo’s Outpost building
                                             be used to determine the winners.     located at 600 S. Pennsylvania.l


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