Page 29 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 29


                                                               a happy one-        Medicare and commercial group
                                                               year anniversary    and individual lines of business to
                                                               at the adult-       provide all PHP members in-network
                                                               centered            coverage at all Corewell Health
                                                               entertainment       West facilities. Corewell Health West
                                                               facility. She       operates several hospitals, urgent
                                                               joined the          care, post-acute, hospice and home
                                                               High Caliber        health, and outpatient care facilities
                                                               family in April     in Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Mecosta,
                                                               after moving        Newaygo, Montcalm, Mason, Barry,
                                                               cross country,      Osceola, and Berrien counties.
                                             building her professional career in
                                             both PR and Marketing for the last                     Kendra Johnson
                                             nine years in Colorado. Say hi to                      of Life Events
                                             her at Chamber events, where she                       Studio Rental is
                                             encourages individuals to join her in                  pleased to offer a
                                             the quest of being High Caliber in                     newly renovated
                                             the Community.                                         multipurpose
                                                                                                    space for the
                                             COMPANY NEWS                                           community
                                                                                                    to make
                                                                                                    moments. She
                                                                                   hopes everyone who enters the
                                                                                   space feels like they're in a home
                                                                                   away from home. Included with
                                                                                   the rental are tables, chairs, and a
                                                                                   Bluetooth speaker. Décor service,
                                                                                   linens, and catering are offered as
            A Leadership                                                           add-ons.
             Book with a                                                           MSU Federal Credit Union
         TWIS T                              LCC Connect radio is celebrating one   (MSUFCU) is excited to announce
                                                                                   the launch of the newly updated
                                             year of the college's partnership with
                                                                                   and app on Feb. 7, 2023. MSUFCU
                                             Michigan Radio. The management        MSUFCU Financial 4.0 website
                                             agreement between LCC and             partnered with Ever Green 3C, a
                                             Michigan Radio brought popular        credit union service organization
                                             public radio programming like         (CUSO) owned by Reseda Group, to
                                             "Marketplace" and "Stateside"         develop the new site and content
                                             to WLNZ 89.7, reserving several       management system used for
                                             weekend hours for LCC to air locally   educational outreach, financial
                                             produced programming. In 2020,        literacy, and engagement with MSU
                                             LCC formed a task force to explore    students and student members
                                             alternatives for the long-term        ages 16-28. The Financial 4.0 site
                                             operation of WLNZ. In March 2021,     and app are free financial resources
                                             Michigan Radio submitted a formal     designed to help educate students
                                             proposal to operate and program       and develop a more engaged
                                             the station, and the partnership was   relationship between them and the
                                             finalized later that year.            Credit Union to promote lifelong
                                                                                   financial literacy and empowerment.
         Author: Ross Woodstock              Physicians Health Plan (PHP), a
              Executive Coach and            mid-Michigan nonprofit health         Origami Rehabilitation reached
             Leadership Consultant           plan, announced a new agreement       a significant milestone in January
                Available on Amazon          that expands its provider network     2023, officially serving 3,000
                                             with Corewell Health West             individuals and their families.
                                             (formerly Spectrum Health). This      Origami has been serving the
                                             new agreement includes PHP            community since 1997 and provides

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