Page 25 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 25                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        Daman received the 2023 MI ACTE                                            being nominated by a patient who
        Counseling and Career Preparation                                          indicated the team "saved my life."
        Professional of the Year Award. Both                                       The patient was scheduled for
        Westenberg and Daman are on staff                                          a routine gall bladder removal
        at the Wilson Talent Center.                                               which became a more serious
                                                                                   condition. Food and Nutrition
        Needham Solutions has been                                                 Services caregiver Billie Jo
        recognized as a Global Excellence                                          Ostrander received the BEE Award
        Awards 2022 Winner: Best Design &                                          for demonstrating exceptional
        Marketing Tech Solutions Provider                                          care to patients and caregivers.
        – Michigan, presented by LUX Life                                          Ostrander has worked at Sparrow
        Magazine.                                                                  Ionia since 2014.

        The Old Town Commercial                                                                     Veronica
        Association (OTCA) hosted its                                                               LaDuke,
        annual meeting and awards event                                                             corporate
        on Feb. 7th at UrbanBeat. The event                                                         proposal
        recognized businesses, volunteers,                                                          development
        and community members who have                                                              director at The
        demonstrated what revitalization in                                                         Christman
        Old Town looks like. OTCA bestowed                                                          Company, has
        the Old Town Strong award to Terry                                                          been named
        Terry, president of MessageMakers,                                                          the recipient of
        for his years of service revitalizing the                                  LaDuke           Christman's DEI
        city of Old Town. Terry's commitment                                       Leadership Award. As a marketing
        to community development continues   Sparrow Ionia Surgical caregivers     and communications leader at
        to inspire and motivate change.      received a DAISY Team Award after     Christman's corporate office, LaDuke

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