Page 28 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 28


        charity partner, Capital Area United   the litigation practice group in
        Way, through quarterly volunteer     Lansing, specializing in a wide range
        and fundraising efforts.             of family law matters. Hamor is a
                                             member of the finance, real estate,
                                             and bankruptcy practice group
                                             in the firm's Southfield office and
                                             frequently works with the business
                                             and tax practice group.

                                                               Kira Carter-
                                                               Sparrow's senior        From financial security
                                                               vice president,
                                                               regional                to a helping hand, the
                                                               hospitals, has       EXPERIENCE
                                                               been appointed
        Lansing Community College Board                        to the executive        MATTERS.
        of Trustees held their first meeting of                council of a
        2023 on Jan. 23. Trustees Ryan Buck   Carter-Robertson  prestigious           Find a local agent who can
        and Angela Mathews were sworn                          international          protect what matters to you.
        in to serve six-year terms following   group of healthcare executives.
        their re-election last November. The   Carter-Robertson, a Lansing native
        Board of Trustees designated Trustee   who resides in Grand Ledge, was
        Angela Mathews to serve as their     named to the Council of Regents,
        next chair. She becomes just the     which provides advice and counsel 
        second female African American       to leaders of the American College
        to serve as chair. Trustee Lawrence   of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
        Hidalgo, Jr. will serve as vice      She will take office on March
        chair, Trustee LaShunda Thomas       18, representing Michigan and
        as secretary, and Trustee Robert     Northwest Ohio.
        Proctor as treasurer.
                                                               Josh McGraw,
                                                               vice president
                                                               of sales and
                                                               and co-owner
                                                               of Eastbrook
                                                               Homes, is
                                                               serving as 2023
                                                               President of the
                                                               Home Builders
        Dillon            Dupler                               Association of
                                             Greater Lansing Board of Directors.
                          Foster Swift       McGraw is passionate about his role
                          Collins & Smith,   as a leader at Eastbrook Homes,
                          P.C. attorneys     where he oversees all of Eastbrook
                          Thomas K.          Homes' sales. He also guides and
                          Dillon, Jaquelyn   confirms all marketing efforts,
                          A. Dupler,         working with the team to find
                          and Robert A.      creative solutions that meet the
                          Hamor have         market where it's at.
                          been elected
                          shareholders       PEOPLE NEWS
                          by members of
        the firm. Dillon is a member of the   High Caliber Karting &
        business and tax practice group      Entertainment is excited to wish
        in the firm's Grand Rapids office.   their Master of Mischief, aka
        Dupler is a family law attorney with   Marketing Director, Jacki Krumnow

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