Page 49 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
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ART & DESIGN I Year 5 credits GRADES 9-12
Course description: A fine arts credit is required for graduation. Art I fills the state requirement for this credit.
This course is designed as a beginning level art class. No prior background in art is required. This class is
designed as an introduction to the foundations of art. Art I contributes to the student's development in the four
content areas of art production, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics. Because the study of art is enhanced
through experiences in creating art, students will explore a variety of two- and three-dimensional studio
ART & DESIGN II Year 5 credits GRADES 10-12
Prerequisite: 85% Average or Higher in Art I or with Teacher Approval
Art II is a more in-depth study of materials and techniques. There is a greater opportunity for experimentation
and expression, though with a greater emphasis on the finished work of art. Student performance will be
measured through projects completed both inside and outside of class, as well as through the ability to make
informed observations during critiques at a more complex level. Art II will allow the students’ to explore the four
content areas of art production, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics at a more proficient level. Students
considering pursuing Advanced Art may begin college portfolio preparation at this level.
Prerequisite: 85% Average or Higher in Art II or with Teacher Approval
Portfolio Preparation is a course that is intended for those who will take Advanced Placement Art the following
year, or to develop a portfolio of artwork for further study of art in college. The course is designed to push
observational drawing skills along with other advanced art techniques which will include varied types of
painting. A large portion of the class will also focus on the creative process, on an individual basis, with student
lead choices for creation. It is also expected that students will work on assignments during their own time,
outside of school hours to help meet the expectations for a college-ready portfolio. This course will help
students interested in pursuing art in a college/workplace by focusing on research and development of the
creative process.
STUDIO ART: 2D-DESIGN Year 5 credits GRADE 12
Prerequisite: Teacher and Supervisor Recommendation
Course description: Advanced Placement Studio Art is intended for highly motivated students who are
seriously interested in developing their own artistic vision. Successful completion of at least two years of
preparatory art classes and/or teacher selection based on application is required. Students will be expected to
work outside of class. Students will maintain a sketchbook and will be expected to read professional literature
in the area of their concentration. Emphasis will be on art production & portfolio preparation suitable for college
entry and submission for scholarship consideration. Advanced Placement Studio Art students will be required
to present a formal body of work in the annual Art Show.
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