Page 2 - 101 ESS IA research question ideas
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101 ESS IA research question ideas

               Internal  assessment  is  an  important  part  of  your  ESS  course.  Stating  a  well  written  research
               question is an essential part of writing the IA.

               If you don’t have inspiration or don’t know how to start and what to write for your IA, get inspired
               by looking at these 101 ESS IA research questions:

                   1.  To what extent is there a correlation between the CO2 emissions caused by traffic in Italy,
                       to death rates from 2000-2020?

                   2.  Is there a correlation between average atmospheric temperatures and endangered species
                       in the United Kingdom from the year 1995 to 2015?

                   3.  To what extent do concentrations 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5% of acetic and sulfuric acid
                       affect sweet pea growth?

                   4.  To what extent do the transport related CO emissions correlate with GDP per
                       capita in the United States from 1990- 2018?

                   5.  To what extent has the pandemic of covid-19 influenced the concentrations of PM2.5 and
                       PM10 in Miami, Florida?

                   6.  To what extent electric vehicles pollute less the atmosphere than diesel- and gas-powered

                   7.  To what extent do climate change attitudes differ in rural, suburban, and urban locations
                       in France?

                   8.  To what extent EVS viewpoints of citizens of London and Paris affect their recycling

                   9.  To what extent does age effect the waste pollution in Madrid, Spain?

                   10. To what extent does age affect their carbon emissions?

                   11. To what extend does gender affect their ecological footprint?

                   12. To what extent does one’s profession affect their recycling choices?
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