Page 3 - 101 ESS IA research question ideas
P. 3

13. What’s the correlation between the slope and the soil erosion?

                   14. What is the correlation between the dissolved oxygen and oil pollution in Hudson River?

                   15. To what extent the levels of biochemical dissolved oxygen (BOD), nitrate and phosphate
                       in the East River in New York City are affected by urbanization?

                   16. To what extent do vary concentrations of vinegar solutions (0 g/L, 5g/L, 10g/L, 15g/L,
                       20g/L) affect germination of crest seeds?

                   17. To what extent do NO2 and SO2 concentrations change with distance from Dubai city

                   18. To what extent does one’s age affect their Environmental Value System (EVS) and the
                       rate of Municipal Solid Waste recycling in Moscow?

                   19. To what extent do tropospheric ozone levels change during morning and afternoon hours
                       in Milan, Italy?

                   20. To what extent have humans influenced global warming through deforestation in Bejing?

                   21. To What extent does the DDT use have an effect on species diversity in China?

                   22. To what extent do 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, and 0.005 g/L of potassium nitrate affect
                       the growth rate of Chlorella?

                   23. To what extent do the noise values in different locations such as the industrial zone,
                       parks, city center and school in Beirut differ?
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