Page 6 - 101 ESS IA research question ideas
P. 6
60. To what extent does the sand proportions in soils affect the wheat growth?
61. What is the correlation between the CFCs emissions and ozone depletion levels from
62. To what extent does the soil pH affect the Marigold plant growth?
63. What is the effect of color of the roofing material on albedo in Oslo?
64. How the average education level of a country impacts their waste production?
65. What is the effect of the soil structure on basal seeds growth?
66. What role does gender have in different showering habits and water consumption in
67. Is there a correlation between one’s fashion choices and ecological footprint?
68. To what extent does altitude effect species biodiversity in the Alpes?
69. How does Covid 19 affect the air quality measured by NO2 in Huston?
70. What is the effect of a liquid detergent solutions on eutrophication rate?
71. What is the effect of humidity on forest fires in South Africa?
72. What is the effect of sewage on eutrophication in the Gulf of Mexico from 1995-2012?
73. To what extent does the income level influence a person’s ecological footprint?
74. To what extent are ecological footprints influenced by the food choices in Texas?
75. What are the impacts of coal and solar power on air pollution in Kansas City from 2000-
76. How does age affect the EVS towards deforestation in the USA?
77. How is the pond ecosystem’s productivity affected by salinity in Florida?
78. How does the soil erosion affect the growth of Mung beans?
79. What is the most effective flagship species in the Yellowstone national park from 1980-
80. What is the effect of salmon aquaculture on eutrophication in Sweden?