Page 7 - 101 ESS IA research question ideas
P. 7

81. What is the Covid 19 influence on the deforestation rate in China?

                   82. To what extent is there the influence of different color and the rate of photosynthesis?

                   83. What are the effects of agricultural wastewater on local pond dissolved oxygen levels in

                   84. To what extent does countries GDP affect the smog levels in South Asia?

                   85. How does the Covid 19 lockdown affect the air pollution problem in London from
                       February to June 2020?

                   86. Do changes in CO2 atmospheric levels affect the river oxygen levels?

                   87. To what extent does deforestation affect the animal species diversity in Madagascar?

                   88. What is the relationship between the soil’s pH and number of plants in the main city park
                       in Tokyo?

                   89. To what extent does herbicide use affect the groundwater phosphate pollution?

                   90. What is the impact of sea plastic pollution on turtles’ biodiversity?

                   91. What is the impact of tourism on soil erosion in Thailand?

                   92. How has a reduced traffic due to the lockdown affected air pollution levels in Vienna?

                   93. What is the effect of GNI on water consumption of MEDCs and LEDCs?

                   94. What is the relationship between income and recycling among students in the USA?

                   95. To what extent does mass tourism influence plastic waste deposition in Costa del Soi
                       beaches in Spain?

                   96. What is a correlation between the income and annual meat consumption in households in

                   97. How does elevation in m affect the aerosols concentrations in Switzerland?

                   98. Does the distance from the main road in Chicago affect the lead concentrations in the

                   99. Does a slope angle affect the erosion rate in soil?
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