Page 5 - 101 ESS IA research question ideas
P. 5
39. To what extent does the computer use vs paper have positive effect on waste production?
40. To what extent has the use of CO2 technologies impacted the CO2 emissions in Sweden?
41. How does acid rain affect the rice agricultural yields in Vietnam?
42. What is the correlation between the GDP of a county and CO2 emissions?
43. What is the correlation between the fresh water access and child mortality rate in South
44. What is the correlation of Covid 19 pandemic and solid domestic waste in the UK?
45. To what extent has the coronavirus pandemic impacted the ecological footprint of
46. To what extent do forest fires impact the PM2.5 concentrations in the atmosphere in the
United States?
47. How does the temperature increase influence agriculture in the United States?
48. To what extent does SO2 influence premature mortality rate in Germany?
49. How does age affect their environmental concern about climate change?
50. How does the temperature influence growth of lentil seeds?
51. To what extent do the distance from a pond affect the plant species diversity?
52. How is human carrying capacity influenced by alternative energy sources in Netherlands?
53. How does the acid rain affect different material building blocks?
54. How does the wind speed affect the PM 10 concentrations in Alaska?
55. How does different NPK fertilizer concentrations affect the growth of corn seeds?
56. To what extent do different soil samples influence the growth of pea seeds?
57. To what extent does bean plant growth vary using organic vs inorganic fertilizers?
58. How does age affect their transportation choices?
59. How does the distance from a farm affect the nitrite levels in Yellow river in China?