Page 83 - Green Finance 2024
P. 83

Without  access  to  practical  learning  opportunities  and  the  latest  industry  insights,

                     students may graduate with outdated or insufficient skills to meet the needs of the green

                     finance  sector.  This  mismatch  between  educational  offerings  and  industry  demands
                     undermines  the  credibility  and  effectiveness  of  green  finance  education  programs,

                     limiting  their  ability  to  produce  graduates  who  can  drive  meaningful  change  in

                     sustainability and finance.

                     The  overarching  threat  stemming  from  the  lack  of  industry  demand  is  the  potential

                     irrelevance  of  green  finance  education  in  addressing  real-world  challenges  and

                     opportunities.  As  businesses  increasingly  prioritize  sustainability  and  environmental

                     responsibility,  there  is  a  growing  demand  for  professionals  with  expertise  in  green

                     finance. However, without proactive efforts to bridge the gap between academia and
                     industry,  universities  in  Hanoi  risk  producing  graduates  who  lack  the  skills  and

                     competencies needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving green finance landscape.

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