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P. 73

                                                    SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                    NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                       FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2016


          A. During the fiscal year 2016, the following changes occurred in the District’s long-term obligations.

                                      Balance         Additions     Deletions     Balance      Amount
                                    Outstanding                                 Outstanding     Due in
                                                                                               One Year
                                      07/01/15                                    06/30/16

Governmental activities:            $ 17,385,000 $               - $ (600,000) $ 16,785,000 $ 620,000
Certificates of participation:             1,505,000
Series 2012 refunding                      1,580,000             -  (200,000)   1,305,000                          200,000

General obligation bonds:                                        -  (145,000)   1,435,000                          150,000
Energy conservation bonds
Qualified school

 construction bonds

Total bonds and                     20,470,000                   -  (945,000)   19,525,000                         970,000
 certificates of participation

Capital leases                         712,899                   -  (172,875)      540,024                         184,911
Software license obligation              61,158                  -   (61,158)               -                              -
Compensated absences                                    534,324     (908,275)
Net pension liability                3,870,023        9,314,558                  3,496,072                         389,652
                                    79,909,354                               -  89,223,912                                 -

Total, governmental activities      $ 105,023,434 $ 9,848,882 $ (2,087,308) $ 112,785,008 $ 1,544,563

Add: unamortized premium on bonds                                               83,257

Total on statement of net position                                              $ 112,868,265

Business-type activities:           $ 14,322 $ 11,743 $             (5,108) $      20,957 $                        7,560
Compensated absences                                                      -       999,770                               -
Net pension liability               892,573           107,197
                                                                    (5,108) $   1,020,727 $                        7,560
Total, business-type activities     $ 906,895 $ 118,940 $

The energy conservation bonds and qualified school construction bonds will be paid from the general
fund. All bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the District. The capital leases and computer
software obligation are paid from the general fund; see Note 9 for more detail on capital leases.
Compensated absences will be paid from the fund from which the employee is paid, which is primarily
the general fund and the following nonmajor governmental funds: food service and auxiliary services.
See Note 12 for more detail on the net pension liability.

Certificates of Participation, Series 2012 Refunding

The refunding certificates of participation (COPs) were issued on July 10, 2012 in order to advance
refund the previously outstanding COPs issue. The refunding issue consisted of serial COPs, par value
$13,570,000, and term COPs, par value $5,155,000. The refunding COPs range in interest rates from
2.0% - 4.0% and the final maturity date stated in the issue is June 1, 2034.

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