Page 17 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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selling them for Rp. the rate of five thousand dollars per ton of kilograms (Hossain,
Nilsson, and Marti, 2021).
1.6. HR Investment Opportunity of Organic Fertilizer
Application of organic fertilizer is anticipated to increase output by 40%, from
638,983 tons to 894,576 tons (Quirk, Palmer, and Schuyler, 2020), based on testing
of two treatments for paddies fields (Jain, 2019): a complete fertilizer application and
an incomplete fertilizer application. For the experiment before and after different treat-
ments (Quirk, Palmer, & Schuyler, 2020), the socialization of how to treat in using or-
ganic fertilizer (Greece) is acceptable provided that the number of samples tested is
limited for each two experiments. If the price of IDR 5,000 per Kg calculated in tonnes
yields farmers' profits of up to IDR 4.272 trillion in three harvests, then the experiment
is acceptable. The purpose of this discussion was to ascertain whether or not the
farmer would be prepared to utilize organic fertilizer at a cost per hectare (Bumb &
Baanante, 2020). Yomari International found that the aforementioned nanotechnology-
based organic fertilizer producers' per-hectare production costs were only IDR
3,070,000 (or 10%) higher than the average of all other fertilizer brands (Yomari Inter-
national, 2021). However, the farmers are willing to pay IDR 900,000 for the organic
fertilizer if the money is collected after harvest. The price paid is proportional to the
yield (Arafah, 2011).
Several groups of farmers expressed interest in adopting the organic fertilizers
(Green, 2020) that were applied before the demonstration plots of the experiment were
completed (Quirk, Palmer, & Schuyler, 2020). That's why the next planting season's
demonstration plots have to encompass more than 30 farmers and an area bigger than
3 hectares (Quirk, Palmer, & Schuyler, 2021). It is believed that more experiments are
needed before the food security investment program (Morse & MacNamara, 2020) can
be fully implemented in Pinrang regency. This is so that yields can be evaluated over
a larger area, and so that locals can be assured that they will accept and make use of
the organic fertilizer (Fu & Ng, 2020).
The regional government of Pinrang regency welcomed the Pinrang food secu-
rity investment program as an effort to develop the agricultural industrial area as an
investment design of development (Fu & Ng, 2020) to improve the welfare of the local
population, as described by Bumb & Baanante (Bumb & Baanante, 2020) and Fu & Ng