Page 22 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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the environment, Hong Kong's advantage lies in its green economy initiatives in the
Greater Bay area. This advantage stems from the region's natural resources and fa-
vorable geographical characteristics supporting industrial activities. The development
plan for Hong Kong aims to establish it as a prominent green finance center. Similarly,
Guangzhou city is designated an innovation and reform zone for green finance. Macau
is also positioned as a digital platform city supporting green finance. The Hong Kong
framework for a green financial administration area was introduced to facilitate bond
issuance for Hong Kong corporations. This is done through a green finance certification
process to enhance product transparency, accreditation, and market confidence. The
Hong Kong Monetary Authority has enhanced its green finance initiative by represent-
ing the Government in creating the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(HKSAR) green financial area for issuing green bonds. These bonds are used to fund
public capital projects to enhance environmental sustainability and mitigate climate
change's impacts.
In analysing the relationship between economic development and environmen-
tally-friendly activities such as green and blue economies, Green (2020) draws upon
the example of the Bretton Woods city in New Hampshire. This small town experienced
a collapse in its financial system, which had widespread and significant impacts. This
event highlighted the contradictory nature of financial practices and detrimentally af-
fected the United States' international financial standing. It also signaled a resurgence
of classical economic ideas, previously called the original Keynesian theory. The case
elucidates the strong connection between the Anglo-American region and Britain's in-
fluence over the Bretton Woods credit system. Initially intended for its designated pur-
pose, the credit system was subsequently utilized for additional transactions, resulting
in significant implications for transatlantic transactions and the transformation of Brit-
ain. This shift notably occurred in the City of London, which became a focal point.
These transactions have a dynamic impact on the financial credit, which weakens the
domestic Bretton Woods finance and credit agreements for both the United States and
the United Kingdom, as outlined in the Keynesian theory. The rules of the Law of
Keynesian Theory in England regarding the establishment and advancement of the
Bretton Woods financial agreement were not intended to reaffirm the economic con-
cepts of John Maynard Keynes. However, the objective is to maintain the supremacy
of the pound sterling as the global currency and London's role in shaping the interna-
tional financial infrastructure, particularly about the infrastructure of the international