Page 27 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
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Furthermore, applying chemical phosphate fertilizers and other heavy materials
should be limited to a single use. Subsequently, organic fertilizers should be applied
annually to maintain the productivity of soils with high acidity levels. This approach
serves as a periodic maintenance strategy. This will persistently offer significant op-
portunities to enhance their agricultural output, particularly in emerging nations. Or-
ganic fertilizers, when combined with other supplements, can play a significant role in
sustainably meeting future generations' long-term food needs. By preserving the nat-
ural resource capital in the soil, they contribute to maintaining soil quality, climate sta-
bility, and environmental well-being.
According to Balkrishna et al. (2022), in the context of globalization, the sustain-
ability of food production and natural resources on Earth is crucial for the prosperity of
humankind. They argue that agricultural policies aimed at ensuring food security play
a significant role in determining the overall well-being of a country. Statistical data
indicates that agricultural items contribute to approximately 66% of the total value of
global trade. All the food provided to the public is sourced daily from fast-paced supply
chain management systems, ensuring freshness even when purchased from other re-
gions. Food processing is a growing business transforming how food is consumed
across the agriculture industry. The food and animal products are processed before
being packed and dispatched to the market and ultimately to the customer. Currently,
in the era of globalization, it is well acknowledged that dairy and meat products con-
tribute to around 50% of the world food supply, namely processed foods.
Purwanto's (2021) research on policy implementation in agriculture, utilizing the
nexus integration approach for water, energy, and food management, reveals that im-
plementing policies leads to knowledge gaps. Furthermore, enforcing these policies
demonstrates an interconnectedness among water, energy, and food management
systems (WEF) variables. The analysis employs a nexus approach that combines
cross-sectoral management and governance with a prioritized scale of agricultural de-
velopment. It reveals the connection between food security policy and the Water-En-
ergy-Food (WEF) nexus in the local context. It also highlights the impact of local inter-
ventions through policies designed to manage the WEF sector. The analysis utilizes a
conceptual and quantitative framework, employing system dynamics modeling and in-
volving stakeholders in policy-making. This approach adds value by enhancing food
security, addressing climate change, and improving the environment. This study was
carried out in the Karawang Regency in Indonesia as a representative case study to