Page 24 - HR and Green Economic Investment Opportunity - Editted2.
P. 24

dissemination of information technology are exerting significant pressure on conven-

               tional food security, particularly in the agricultural sector of the Nordic countries in the
               Arctic. These pressures necessitate the simultaneous management of climate change

               and environmental concerns in the circumpolar region.   The decrease in food security
               supplies leads to increased imported food, particularly in European countries.   The

               current scenario poses significant consequences for the accessibility of secure and
               nourishing food for numerous populations in the Arctic.

                      To ensure food safety and nutrition in the face of climate change, protecting the

               environment and utilising organic fertilizers to restore its natural functions is crucial.
               According to the study conducted by Yomari International (2021) in Japan, the organic

               fertilizer produced using nano technology has positively affected food production. One
               of the benefits observed is that the plants can directly absorb the nutrients from the

               fertilizer, making the food they produce readily consumable.   The absorption takes

               place independently of the process of photosynthesis. The fertilizers contain organic
               ingredients derived from vegetable sources. These organic fertilizers promote fruit pro-

               duction even outside the usual growing season. They offer a cost savings of up to 90%
               compared to chemical/compound/conventional fertilizers and a 40% cost savings com-

               pared to other organic fertilizers.   (5) These organic fertilizers comprise 13 nutrients

               and 4 active components, as determined after 10 years of research. The research
               demonstrates that these active ingredients are essential for plant growth.   (6) The

               organic fertilizer can enhance soil conditions by neutralizing acidity and restoring them
               to their optimal level. (7) This enables plants to adapt well to varying weather circum-

               stances.   (8) Enhance the plant's capacity to expedite growth, resulting in faster or
               equivalent farm harvests compared to the targeted harvests on the established timeline

               or the sustainable simultaneous addition of rice tillers.   (9) more fertiliser options are

               available in ponds containing aquatic animals such as fish or shrimp. These alterna-
               tives can enhance the overall health and growth of the fish and shrimp, reducing stress

               levels and ultimately increasing productivity.   (10) Simultaneously, the fertilizer can be
               combined with insecticides, herbicides, and other chemical fertilizers, albeit in limited

               quantities, to optimize its efficacy during the application period and achieve a 100%
               effectiveness rate.   (11) The actions of these substances can be likened as "antibiot-

               ics" for plant diseases such as moldy and curling shoots. Additionally, they help en-

               hance plant immunity and act as a preventive measure against various pests, exclud-
               ing  rodents  and  similar  creatures.      (12)  These  organic  fertilizers  do  not  have  an

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